Chapter 3:1st Teamwork Lesson

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Jelina:ok kids enjoy ur break?
All exept jelina:Yes
Jelina:now on this lesson this is an teamwork lesson you need 4 members on a team so i give u 5 minutes to pick ur teammates
Rudy:hey ali???
Ali:yes rudy?
Rudy:would u want to join me,alicia and angelenes team?
Ali:sure of course!
Rudy:hey guys!
Rudy:ali joined our team!
Jelina:ok so this is the teams

1st team                2nd team
1.angelene             1.Jake
2.alicia                   2.Ashley
3.rudy                    3.Lucas
4.ali                        4.Tazz
Jelina:ok now go to the Mata Corner!
Alicia:whats an MATA corner? I've never heard of that in my life
Jelina:the MATA corner is where ejens have lessons by being a team or being an enemy so the lesson is u have to get at least 1 tracker there are 3 trackers located at the MATA Corner but if u manage to get an tracker go back to the finish line with there teammates got it
Everyone exept jelina:*nods*
Jelina:good lets go
At the Mata Corner
Jelina:ok ready,set,Go!!!!
Everyone exept jelina:*runs*
Alicia:can u track down at least 1 tracker?
Ali:got it!*uses iris to try find the tracker sees one near by*over there
Alicia:lead the way!
When they got there
Angelene:its up there lets go!*walks to there but gets dragged back by ali*What now?
Ali:stop theres wires over!*points*i will go get it u guys stay here.*wents up using his power boots*grabs the tracker then wents down*cmon guys*they run to the finish line*
At the finish line
Ali:jelina! We got a tracker!
Jelina:well done!*snaps fingers and everyone is back*
Lucas:why are we here?
Jelina:the game has ended.
Jake:b-but n-noone w-win y-yet!
Jelina:no alis team won so the game has ended were heading back to the academy!
Back at the academy
Jelina:okay we will start day 2 at wenseday tomorrow at 10:00AM have an Nice Night(by the way its 5:00PM)
Ali:finally my back hurts*walks back at there room*
At there room
Ali:ugh...*lays at his bed and took off iris and put it beside the nightstand*
Rudy:Ali? Arent u changing?*already in pajamas*
Ali:ok*grabs his pajamas and goes to the changing room*
Rudy:im nervous its almost friday.....
Ali:what did u say????
Rudy:nothing!!!i meant im exited tomorrow*nervous smile😅*
Ali:ok ur weird*goes to bed and grabs his phone and calls his dad*
Alis dad:ali?!are u ok?!
Ali:no dad im fine
Alis dad:phew i was worried sick
Ali:hihihi coll dad and oh! I want u to meet someone! Come here rudy!
Alis dad:rudy?whos that??
Rudy:hi sir....
Alis dad:i'd say are u dating my son?ALI ARE U GAY????
Ali:geez dad hes my roomate.-_-
Alis dad:okay ali i need to go to bed early i have an inreview tomorrow bye ali
Ali:bye dad
-alis dad hung up-
Ali:im sleepy*yawn*puts phone on nightstand and went to sleep*
Rudy:*wents to his ed and sleeps too*
Heya viewers i hope ya like this one i worked hard on ths see ya on the next chapter

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