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There's gonna be some weird transitions(aka there is none) so like ¿¿sorry?? and this is a long ass ride so good luck?

Everyone made their way out into the arena. Each team entered on opposite sides. The crowd went wild with cheers. Minghao felt his heart start to beat faster out of excitement and nervousness. He looked at the other team. There were eight members against their thirteen which was weird but Minghao just shrugged, the school based groups on their overall power.

The group's gear was reminiscent of king's jesters, with diamond patterns on their outfits, complimented with gloves and hats. They all looked slightly off and disturbing to Minghao, the way they smiled or just looked at you. 'Why are there so many crazy people at this school' he thought to himself.

Everyone was in the center, each group standing a good distance away from each other. The crowd quieted down to murmurs, all of them waiting for the announcement that would signal the start of the fight.

Minghao looked over at Jun. He noticed that Jun kept glancing at the platform with the recruiters and was tense again. Minghao got filled with the same worry he had the day before and last night. He looked at where Jun kept glancing and saw one of the recruiters staring intently at Jun.

Was Jun nervous? No that couldn't be the only thing for him to be this tense. Minghao looked back up at the recruiters. Something seemed familiar about him.

Minghao's staring was interrupted by the ringing that signaled the start of the battle. All of his team had been ready and was already running towards the opposing team, causing Minghao to be a little behind.

Minghao was running towards two members of the opposing team when one of them shot lightning at him. Dino quickly shoved him out of the way and took the hit, but when it hit him it surrounded him and made his hair stand up before he quickly shot it back, as he repelled it. It hit the lightning guy, who wasn't expecting the counter and made him fly back.

Minghao sighed and continued running towards the other guy, who was running towards him as well. When he was close enough he sent a wave of fire at the guy, making the guy duck as the flames engulfed him. What Minghao didn't expect was the guy to jump out of the flames, his skin now looking dark and shiny, like metal, and going to punch him. He was barely able to drop onto his knees and slide under the fist that was flying towards his face. He stood up and spun around, to see Dino try and hit the metal guy with lightning and it seemingly doing nothing, acting as a lightning rod. He continued to run at Dino while being blasted with bolts of electricity like it was nothing.

He was about to reach Dino with his fist raised, ready to strike, but before he could Scoups ran in, smashing a fist into the guy, sending a metal sound reverberating through the air as the guys body shot across the arena, through the crowd of fighting people, and into the wall, causing him to be lodged into it.

Jeonghan watched as a blur of clothes and metal flew by. He looked over from where it came from and saw his Cheolie checking up on his baby Chanie. "You get 'em Cheolie!" Jeonghan called while waving at Scoups. Scoups looked over, surprised, but then was all bashful and rubbed the back of his neck.

Jeonghan was taken away from his cheering when a body was slid across the ground in front of him. It looked like Seungkwan, "Oh my gosh! Kwanie no!" Seungkwan's body poofed out of existence. Jeonghan's face was shocked, he looked over to where Seungkwan had come from and saw a bunch of Seungkwans fighting a bunch of one of the members from Trixx.

One of the Trixx guy's copies was sneaking up behind another clone that was standing by himself, most likely the original. He was about to jump on the original but was suddenly thrown to the side. As the clone rolled he started transforming to reveal it was Vernon. Vernon stood back up and looked around him. He saw no one but he occasionally could hear steps and see some dirt on the arena floor kick up but couldn't keep up with where his enemy was.

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