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After what felt like hours of silent turns and walks down never ending hallways, Minghao and Jun arrive to history. When they walk in they see that everyone is already in their seats. The whole class quiets down to whispers and stares at their arrival. The teacher takes notice of it and looks up from his work, looking as bored with the class as his students are. "Ah there you two are," the teacher says as he stands up from his desk, walking over to them. Junhui goes to his assigned seat in the back left of the class. "Ok class this is our new student Xu Minghao," the teacher announces, getting nothing but little whispers in return. The teacher sighed, "You can take that empty seat next to Soonyoung over there." A boy with bright red hair raises his hand and shows a cute hamster like smile.

Minghao walked to his seat in the middle of the classroom. As he sat down, the boy with red hair to his right leaned over, "Hey I'm Soonyoung but you can call me Hoshi," this made Minghao give a small smile and he introduced himself to Hoshi, even though his name was just announced. He could already tell Hoshi was a nice person and that they would be friends.

Class continued on, the teacher tiredly talking about great hero and villain wars over the centuries, until about 15 minutes until the bell. The teacher stops, closes his book, and informs, "Ok class we finished early so you can have free time to do whatever." Then the teacher goes to his desk putting on headphones and an eye mask, proceeding to fall asleep.

Hoshi took this opportunity to turn and talk to Minghao, "So you know the ice prince?" He asked Minghao. Hoshi has been dying to know what was with those two. He wasn't the only one either as he heard some other students wondering why the new kid walked in with the ice prince.

"Who?" Minghao asked with a look of confusion. Hoshi looked over at Junhui, who was sitting in the back alone, reading a book, and pointed. Minghao looked to his right and behind him and realized who he meant. "Oh. Him. No not really. I just met him. He's gonna be my roommate." Minghao has also picked up on some of the quiet conversations the other students have been having. He's really curious as to what the big deal about that guy was.

Hoshi looked shocked. "That's weird, he has always roomed alone. He's known all around school as this lone wolf kind of guy. He acts cold to anyone that tries to approach him, hence the nickname 'ice prince'," Hoshi explained.

Minghao looked over at Junhui again. He started to wonder why he was so cold to people. 'Maybe it comes with the power?' He thought to himself, but decided that wasn't it. Hoshi continued speaking and broke Minghao out of his train of thoughts, "Enough about him though. So Minghao like I said before I'm Hoshi. I like to dance in my free time. Oh and my power is Hurricane."

"Oh?" Minghao asked with a raised brow.

"Watch," Hoshi said as he smirked. He then looked to the seat in front of Minghao, seemingly choosing his victim. Hoshi lifts his hand a little and twists his wrist slightly. With that the notebook, the guy with black hair sitting in front of Minghao had been writing in, blew into his hands, a strong gust of wind could be felt through the class.

"What the fuck?" The guy looks at Hoshi and stands up, revealing that he was really short. He walks towards Hoshi and then he swings his arm and mid swing a guitar appears with a purple light in his hand, pointing directly at Hoshi's face(hoihoihoi I love overused jokes). The guitar is a few inches away from Hoshi's face and the short guy frowns, "Give me back my notebook and stop messing with me while I'm working or you're gonna get hit." You could feel how serious the little guy was.

Hoshi put his hands up in a little surrender, notebook in one hand. A few other classmates are looking on with concern. Hoshi, even though he's being threatened, has his cute genuine smile on. "Sorry Woozi~ I couldn't resist," this 'Woozi' guy blushes a little and the guitar disappears, again with a small purple flash, and he takes back his notebook from Hoshi's outstretched hand. He returns to his seat and continues working.

Hoshi turns to Minghao, "So I can basically control winds and make hurricanes and tornadoes." Hoshi sat with a proud smile on his face.

"Woooowww that's really cool. And that dude, his power is what, making guitars appear out of thin air?" Minghao questioned. He knew other people were out there with different abilities, but he has never actually seen anyone else's abilities beside his own.

Hoshi chuckled, "No that's Jihoon, or Woozi as most people call him, my soon to be boyfriend. He can summon weapons, well I guess really anything he puts into this little dimension he can open and close at will." Hoshi explained with a look of adoration, Minghao could tell how much Hoshi cared for Woozi.

Minghao sat there amazed and then a friendly looking guy walked over. "Hello my name is Jisoo but I also go by Joshua." He introduced himself and held out his hand. Minghao shook it and introduced himself too. "If you need any help with anything you can ask me". Minghao smiles at that, he was happy to make friends on his first day that seem nice.

"What's your power then?" Minghao asked, curious about what other unique powers he'll get to see.

"Oh yeah my power is something I call Shut Down. It just kinda fogs your brain. Your senses stop working well, it's hard to move, hard to think and do anything you want to do, even using your power," Joshua explained.

"There are so many different powers here. It's amazing to see." Minghao says.

"Yeah I agree, especially Shua's power. It really amazes me!" Says a new person that pops in out of nowhere with his arm draped around Joshua's shoulders. "I'm Seokmin by the way, and I too have a second name which is Dokyeom. Also if you didn't notice I can teleport!" The smiley stranger, or should Minghao say Dokyeom, announced.

At this time the bell rung, signaling the switch to next period. Everyone started shuffling out while Minghao gathered his things and stood up. "Hey come sit with us at lunch," Hoshi said.

Minghao smiled and nodded his head, "Okay." Minghao started walking out of the classroom and started making his way over to his next class. He soon stopped and realized he didn't know where to go.

Minghao turned around, hearing someone clear their throat, to see Jun leaning on the classroom doorway with his arms crossed, looking as unimpressed as usual. "Come on," Jun said as he started walking in the right direction. So with that Minghao followed.

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