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"Ok Minghao you will from now on attend our school," the principal announced. He sat with his hands clasped together on his dark wood oak desk. The room was quiet except for a little clock on the principle's desk, continuously ticking and starting to get on Minghao's nerves. The principal smiled warmly to Minghao, "Here you will learn how to control your powers and be with people like yourself, people who have special abilities."

Minghao just nodded, he really wasn't in the mood to talk. His mind kept wandering back to his nightmare from the night before. He could still remember how the smoke filled his lungs and how it burned his eyes. His eyes kept wandering the room, obviously not paying attention to what the principal had to say and trying to distract himself from his thoughts. He landed on looking at the little clock on the principal's desk. Each tick sounding too loud for Minghao's liking.

"Even though sometimes your powers can come up when you get too strong of an emotion, we want you to have a normal school experience, not be hidden secluded away from others," the principal went on while watching Minghao intently this whole time, "so to let you have that "normal" school experience, and not have a risk of collateral damage, we have assigned someone to accompany you around to subdue any flames you might produce".

This caught Minghao's attention, making him look up at the principal. "You got me a baby sitter?" Minghao raised a brow. He didn't need someone observing him 24/7. He didn't want to feel like a child or some threat at his own school. The thought of someone breathing down his neck all the time was something Minghao did not want at all. "Isn't that going a little far? I get that I can get a little... a little..." Minghao lost his train of thought because of that loud ass clock. He suddenly knocked it off the desk and stomped on it. He realized what he just did and felt real dumb.

The principal just watched as it happened. When Minghao looked back up at him, all he saw was a doubtful look. "Mmmmhmmmm. Listen Minghao we are just trying to keep the school safe. Just try to be reasonable about this." The principal paused to glance down and looked back up into Minghao's eyes, "You are also scorching my nice furniture, so please tell me that you don't need someone to watch you."

Minghao looked down to where his hands had been clutching the wooden armrests of his chair. It was smoking around his hands and when he let go he could clearly see his handprints burned into them 'oops' he thought. Minghao let out a long exasperated breath. He turned his head to the side and crossed his arms while leaning back in the chair. "Look Mr. Principal it's really not a concern. I'm capable of keeping my power in check," Minghao mumbled out, seemingly not convinced himself.

"Minghao either you agree to this or you will be sent away alone with nothing but extensive training day and night. I don't want that, do you really want that?" The principal asked in a serious tone. He had a serious face on now that had some concern. He really wanted Minghao to have a nice school experience. Minghao just keeps being stubborn though.

Minghao looked down at his hands, clasping them together while circling his thumbs around each other. He really actually wanted to try making friends. He didn't want to sit alone in a room and only train by himself. He's gonna have to suck it up and make nice with his new stalker he guessed. "Fine." He finally breathed out, reluctant to get himself into this mess.

The principal's warm kind smile returned to his face. "That's the spirit! Ok so your, uh, let's just call him your fire watch. Your fire watch's name is Wen Junhui. He is a student here that does well and he would be a lot more inconspicuous than some guard. He has an ice ability to counter your flames that might appear." The principal had a proud smile on his face, like he just made the greatest decision ever.

There is a knock on the office door. Minghao gave the principal a questioning look. "Looks like he's here! Come in!" The door opens and reveals a tall guy with dark brown hair. He was pretty good looking but he gave out strong 'don't talk to me' vibes. He wore a button up white shirt with long sleeves, tucked into black skinny jeans. A more proper look from Minghao's red leather jacket over a black shirt and black ripped skinny jeans. He walks over and stands next to Minghao's chair with his arms crossed.

"Junhui here has already been updated on his task as your fire watch. You have the same schedule as him and you will be rooming with him." Minghao sinks down in his seat. He's already dreading the thought of being with this dude day and night. "Ok here is your schedule and your dorm key."

Minghao stands up and takes his schedule and key from the principal. He takes a glance at Junhui. Just the air around him felt cold. Junhui felt Minghao's stare and looked back. When their gaze met Minghao felt his heart skip, Junhui's icy stare was piercing. Minghao quickly looked away while Junhui continued starring. Something felt different about Minghao to Junhui, he just didn't know what. The principal broke the few seconds of tension when he continued talking with his bright smile still on, "Your classes start soon so you can put your stuff in your dorm and go to them. Enjoy your time here at our school."

Minghao nodded and turned around, making his way out the door after grabbing his backpack and duffel bag on his way out. Hestopped outside to look at his schedule and saw he has history first. It looks like he has the four basic classes, history, math, english, then science. Then he had lunch before the rest of the day is spent on power training. Minghao felt a wave of cold creep up on him from his right. He looked up from his schedule to see Junhui next to him.

"So... you and I are gonna be sticking together for awhile then," Minghao started, trying to at least make the best of this situation. Junhui looked over at him then looked away with a short 'Yup' in return. Minghao rolled his eyes, he didn't think he'll like this guy at all. He really didn't seem like the easiest to get along with.

Junhui started to lead the way to their dorm, since Minghao obviously didn't know where it was. The dorms were in a different buildings from the school and their dorm ended up being in the second floor of their building. The dorm had two rooms, one was split as a small kitchen with a little island and a small living room with one couch in front of a tv. The other one was their room with two twin sized beds, a closet, and a bathroom. It was tidy and just pretty basic.

Minghao went into the bedroom and took the bed to the right, setting his things down on it. The only thing letting him know the left one was taken was the laptop that was on it, Junhui's side had no personal things, like Minghao would expect. Not that he could talk. He really only had a burned photo of him and his mom from when he was little. He has that in a book though for safe keeping.

"Come on we need to go so we aren't late," Minghao jumped a little and looked over at Junhui who was standing in the bedroom doorway. Junhui didn't wait for a response and started walking away.

Minghao took a deep breath. He hasn't been in a school in an actual school in years. He's done online classes before this. "Time to start school I guess," he mumbled to himself.

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