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Minghao and Jun were back home. Nothing different happened from there actually and they just went to bed. The next day Minghao woke up to banging coming from the front door. He groaned and sat up, rubbing his eyes.

"If that banging doesn't stop and I have to leave my bed, I'm gonna kill somebody," Jun said, curled up in his blanket, facing the wall with his pillow over his head. 'Wow and I'm the one with anger issues' Minghao thought to himself.

He checks his phone to see it was nine in the morning. He sighed and got up, making his way to see who's at the door. He pulls open the door to be met with some of his friends. Hoshi, Seungkwan, Joshua, Dokyeom, Jeonghan, and Dino were there and Seungkwan was in front with an excited grin.

"Hey guys what's up?" Minghao asked in a confused tone.

"We are here to take you out for gossip time!" Seungkwan announced, "You're gonna tell us all about your date with Junhui."

"Oh no," Minghao wasn't the gossip and share type. He also wasn't emotionally prepared to tell his friends about their impromptu date without him possibly igniting.

"Oh yes!" Hoshi butted in. "You're in trouble for not telling us already, so this is you making it up to us." Hoshi crossed his arms and nodded, his mind made up.

Minghao wanted to argue but decided it would be useless against all of them. "Okay. I have to get ready, you guys can sit on the couch until I'm done."

All of them shuffled in and made themselves comfy on the couch, Dino immediately started playing with Yinyang.

Minghao went into the bedroom and started going through his clothes to find what to wear. He settled on a purple sweater with a white collared shirt underneath and some black jeans. He went in the bathroom to get dressed and wash up.

When he walked out he was met with a crossed armed Jun staring at him. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked in a serious tone.

"Out with friends," Minghao shrugged. He didn't understand what the big deal was.

"Minghao did you forget I'm supposed to be with you at all times?" Minghao was hit with the realization that what Jun was saying was completely true.

'Shit he can't be there if we're gonna talk about him and the date' Minghao thought to himself. "Jun you don't have to come, Joshua will be there if I start to catch fire, he'll be able to stop it."

Jun squinted his eyes and leaned close to Minghao's face. He then furrowed his brows and pouted his lips, resting his forehead on Minghao's. "Do you not want me there Hao?"

Minghao could of sworn his heart had a seizure after Jun called him Hao. "Wh-What? No!" Minghao turned his head and put his hands over his face and mumbled, "It's just we're gonna talk about boys and you can't be there when I talk about you."

Jun smiled. He turned Minghao's head to face him again and pulled his hands away from his face. Minghao was could rival a cherry and wouldn't look anywhere away from the floor. "Okay then. Be careful and have fun." Jun kissed Minghao's forehead then walked over and plopped himself back onto his bed.

Minghao stood wide eyed. He touched his forehead and smiled. Minghao walked over to Jun, who had his arm resting over his closed eyes, and leaned down. He smirked then quickly pecked Jun on the lips and dashed out the bedroom door yelling, "Okay I'm leaving now."

Minghao dashed through the short hall to the living room and then out the front door, "Come on guys we have got to go!"

He made it out of the building, out of breath from the running. Soon the rest caught up, "What was all that about?" Dokyeom asked clutching his chest while breathing heavily.

"Yeah and what did you do to Junhui? He ran out of the bedroom but when he saw you weren't there told us to tell you that he'll get you back," Dino added.

Minghao swallowed hard. "Umm I...uh stole his socks. Yes that is what I did," he explained in his best nonchalant voice he could muster.

Everyone wasn't that convinced but didn't really push the matter. "Whatever let's just go. We're going to Carat Cafe in the town," Seungkwan announced as he started to lead the way.

They arrived soon and went in. They ordered drinks and sat down at a table. "Now tell us! Since when have you and the ice prince been a thing?" Hoshi asked, everyone nodding in agreement.

Minghao explained what happened last night. Everyone listened intently, soaking in the details. Minghao talked about how they went to the movies and how Jun said it suddenly turned into a date. He also told them about what Jun did to comfort him during the movie even though it was extra embarrassing for him.

"Wow," Dino drawled out. "The past couple years no one has ever known him to have a soft side." Everyone sat there amazed. Everyone started chatting about it.

Minghao felt embarrassed enough talking about what happened so he changed the topic, "Hey enough about me. Seungkwan I saw you checking out Vernon!"

Everyone turned their heads towards Seungkwan now, waiting for him to spill the details. "Haha whaaat?" He asked. Everyone gave him a 'spill it already' look and his face dropped. "Okay," he leaned his chin on his fists, "I really like him but I don't know if he likes me."

Everyone sat there thinking for a second until Dino spoke up, "You don't have to worry Seungkwan. He actually talks about you a lot." Everyone nodded.

"Yeah and you should've seen the way he looked at you at the movie theater last night," Minghao added. Seungkwan's face started going red.

"Do you guys really think he likes me?" He asked, sitting up. Everyone nodded and said their agreements. Seungkwan's mood lifted immediately.

"You know," Dokyeom started, "I've actually noticed a certain someone checking out Jeonghan."

With that Jeonghan's eyes widened with shock. He's been listening in silence, arms crossed, and leaned back in his chair. "Ummm what?" He asked looking directly at Dokyeom.

"Oh yeah I've seen that too," Joshua chimed in with a mischievous grin.

"Who?" Jeonghan asked, sitting up in his seat. Joshua and Dokyeom grinned at each other.

"Oh yeah! This person thinks he's so subtle but you can obviously see him drool over Jeonghan every time they're in the same room," Hoshi decided to join in on teasing Jeonghan too. Dokyeom and Joshua gave approving nods.

Jeonghan unfolded his arms and set his hands on the table, "Someone better tell me now before I throw my shoe at your faces." He said raising his eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

The three burst into laughter. Seungkwan spoke up over their laughter, "Okay guys give him a break." Seungkwan looks over to Jeonghan, "I honestly can't believe you didn't notice, but they're talking about Scoups."

Jeonghan sat there absorbing what he just heard. Scoups liked him? No that can't be right. He is pretty good looking though and really strong... Wait no! He can't think things like that. "Nope! It's late I'm going home." Jeonghan got up and started walking away.

Everyone at the table started laughing. When it died down Dino spoke up, "Guys it is actually getting late, we've been here for a while."

Everyone agreed and got up. They got outside and said their goodbyes. "Everyone be safe on your way home!" Joshua called to everyone. Minghao made his way home happy, he had a good time.

Fire and Ice-Junhao-Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora