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They went into the dimmed theater and made their way to the back. They sat in their seats right as the commercials ended and the lights went completely dark, signaling the movie was beginning.

At first everything was going pretty good, but as more fighting and gore came so did Minghao's little flinches. Jun noticed this. Every time a zombie got bludgeoned down or shot he could see Minghao give a flinch. As the movie went on, the flinches got bigger and became little jumps until he eventually ended up pressed against his chair with his eyes scrunched shut.

Jun looked over to see this. He thought it was cute and couldn't help but feel kinda bad for him. Jun lifted the armrest and leaned over to Minghao, "Are you scared?" He whispered.

Minghao opened his eyes to see Jun's little smirk. He frowned and sat up, whisper yelling, "No!" Minghao realized he was being too loud and cleared his throat, "No." He said more calmly. He leaned forward in his chair and crossed his arms, turning his face back to the screen to see a zombie get smacked in the head with a bat. He jumped back and covered his eyes with his hands.

Jun gave a little smile at that. He wrapped his arm around Minghao and pulled him closer. He then moved Minghao's head to rest in the crook of his neck while his other hand was still wrapped around Minghao's waist. They sat like that and Jun ran his fingers through Minghao's hair while continuing to watch the movie. Jun hasn't done this before or acted like this with another person, Minghao just makes him want to do things he normally wouldn't.

Minghao was shocked and when he was about to say something Jun pushed his head to rest in the crook of his neck again, "You don't have to watch Minghao. Besides I like holding you like this." Minghao's face felt on fire. It probably would have been if Jun wasn't making himself and the air around them colder, already knowing Minghao probably would've burst into flame. It wasn't cold enough to be uncomfortable, it was more calming actually.

Minghao knew Jun could be soft for Yinyang but didn't think he could be like that to another person. Minghao was actually really comfortable and Jun running his fingers through his hair was very relaxing. He forgot about the scary movie and just enjoyed the moment starting to doze off.

When the lights came on Minghao remembered that they were in public and hurriedly got up, his face returning to a slight red. "We should get home now, it's pretty late." Minghao avoided eye contact out if embarrassment. He really had to be cradled because of a scary movie.

Jun smiled a little at that. Minghao getting all embarrassed and shy was cute. "Okay let's go," Jun stood up and they started walking out of the theater.

As they were walking out Minghao heard his name being called. "Minghao? Minghao! Junhui!" They looked over to where the calls were coming from to see Dino waving at them with a big smile. With him was Scoups, Vernon, and Seungkwan.

Minghao waved and walked over to them, Jun following behind. "Hey guys what's up."

"We decided to go see that new biker movie, Tempo," Vernon replied.

"The more important question is what you two are doing here. Shouldn't you guys be training?" Scoups asked with his arms crossed, a raised brow, and this fatherly look on his face.

"Haha don't worry we finished that, so we decided to go out and relax since we've been working hard through the week," Minghao responded nervously. It felt like he was being scolded by a parent.

A gasp was heard and everyone looked to Seungkwan. "Could this be? Were you guys out on a date!?" He asked, his face showing an expecting, already knowing look.

Minghao's face started to heat up and he turned to Jun, not knowing how to answer. Jun had a smirk on his face from seeing Minghao get so affected by the question. "Actually," Jun wrapped his arm around Minghao's waste and pulled him closer, "we are."

Everyone looked in shock, even Seungkwan because he didn't think they would admit it. Did they actually hear that right? The known ice prince of the school who never gave anyone a second glance, was on a date? Minghao also stood there shocked.

Scoups was the first to break everyone from their shocked states. "That's great guys congratulations!" He smiled to the couple.

"Who knew it would take fire to melt the ice prince's walls," Dino thought out loud, laughing to himself. Minghao gave a shy smile at that. He looked over to Jun and saw that the older had a slight tint of pink on his face and was looking anywhere else besides Minghao and the group.

"Oh guys we need to go so we don't miss the movie," Vernon announced. Their group realized they had a movie to watch and said their goodbyes.

Minghao waved them goodbye and then turned to Jun. "Let's go home yeah?" Jun nodded and grabbed Minghao's hand, intertwining their fingers. This made Minghao's heart beat a little faster, which he didn't mind.

The walk home wasn't really talkative but they didn't mind. It was a comfortable silence where they both just enjoyed each other's company.

The silence was broken when Minghao asked, "Jun why did you decide to go on a date with me so suddenly?" He was still wondering why Jun seemed to like him so suddenly.

Jun paused for a second, thinking about his answer. " I... I started to like you since the first day we met. I didn't really pay attention to it at first because I didn't really know what it was. The more time we spent together the more I started to like you." He took a pause, recalling the memories of the times they spent together, "I eventually realized I liked you when we were training with the class one day. I was watching you do some warm up laps around the training hall when Seungkwan came over and he said that I should stop drooling over my boyfriend." He smiled a little at that and looked over at Minghao, "That's what made me realize I liked you and this was a perfect opportunity to ask you out." Jun finished with a genuine grin.

Minghao was shocked, but in a good way. His heart was beating pretty fast and he felt like it was so loud that Jun could hear it. He had no idea Jun liked him until today and it turns out he had liked him for a long time. His faced went from shocked and turned into the biggest grin ever.

"Let's go home now it's late," Jun pulled them along. He was satisfied with Minghao's cute smile and the way his cheeks tinted a bright red like they always seem to do with Jun around.

Minghao pulled Jun's hand and used his other hand to pull Juns face down, giving him a gentle kiss on the cheek. "I like you too Jun," he said quietly with a soft smile on his face and a genuine look in his eyes. Jun couldn't help but stare into those eyes, his face becoming the most red Minghao has ever seen it. "Ok now let's go home."

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