Chapter 11

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I am so sorry I haven't updated in a long time. I have been so busy with my final few days of term and I'm coming to the end of year twelve too. So I've been ultra busy with that.

Also please read the author's note at the end. If I end up putting one there 😅


~ Carla ~

I felt a shiver run down my spine. Something certainly didn't feel right at all. It felt as if a life had been taken and then awakened in a new life as a vampire.

'Carla what's wrong?' Niall asked me as he saw me physically shiver.

'Something doesn't seem right' I replied as I rested my head on Niall's shoulder. His body heat warming me as I cuddled closer to him.

Niall and I were situated in his room. Curled up on his bed together.

'I don't know what it is but I have a bad feeling that something is coming.... And it won't end well....' I whispered as I began to feel fear course in my veins.

Niall pulled his head away from where it was nestled in my neck.

'What do you mean?' Niall questioned me.

I gave a shrug of my shoulders.

'I don't know but I guess it's just a feeling....' I muttered nuzzling my face into Niall's chest and subconsciously inhaling Niall's wolf and vanilla scent.

'I'll call a house meeting in the morning. For now, rest and don't think about it' Niall smiled at me and kissed me on the cheek. I turned my head slightly and kissed Niall on the lips. Feeling the warmth spread through my body. Pulling away I rested my head on Niall's chest again. My eyes shimmered a deep indigo blue.

'Good night Niall....' I whispered before I fell into a deep sleep.


~ Niall ~

Carla had just fallen asleep on my chest. She was panicking about something. But what? I don't know. She did mention something about some one loosing their life.

I couldn't figure it out though. I did say to her that I was going to call a house meeting and talk to the others about it.

Reaching over to the night stand I grabbed my phone. I unlocked it and then texted the other boys and told them that we needed to have a house meeting in the morning.

I got a reply back instantly from all the boys agreeing to it. And within minutes I heard their footsteps echoing through out the house making a run for the lounge room. I unwound Carla's arms from around me.

I made sure she was fast asleep before I left my room. Moving out of my room and shutting the door quietly behind me. I raced straight downstairs to the lounge room.

'Niall, what's up? What's with calling a house meeting?' Liam asked me.

'Carla told me that she could sense something was wrong. And that some one had just become like her....' I began to explain.

'And is that why you had to call a house meeting because some one had become a vampire?' Zayn questioned me. I let out a sigh.

'What I'm trying to explain is that Carla is in danger!' I shouted. Upstairs in my room I heard Carla stir.

Then a shrill scream echoed out from my room.

'Carla!' We all said in union. We all races up stairs to find Carla on the floor with a wooden stake in her heart again. And there was a piece of paper laying beside her. I could tell she wasn't dead, more along the lines of been paralysed.

Harry picked up the note then crumpled it up throwing it into the corner of the room. He then stormed out. Louis ran over to the note. Picked it up and opened the note again.

'What's it say Lou?' Liam asked Louis.

I nodded my head in agreement with what Liam said.

Louis took a deep breathe before reading out the note.

'It says.... "Next you will all die.... Especially Carla Mary....' Louis read out. Liam had knelt down beside Carla and removed the stake from within his chest.

'Carla are you okay?' I asked her. Carla nodded her head.

'I'm okay but Angel and his new sire bonded chick just attacked me....' Carla gasped out before collapsing down....



So this is chapter 11. What do you guys think?

I can't believe that this book has reached 27K reads!? It's amazing!

Thank you guys so much for supporting this novel. I hope you guys are enjoying this book.

I may not update as often at the moment because I have exams and I am on school break too :/ but I will try and update when I can.

Until the next update (when I can :/ )


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