Chapter 8

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~ Louis ~

'Angel' Carla sighed 'My old Sire'

Old Sire? What the hell does that even mean? I thought to myself. I looked over where the lads stood in the kitchen gathered around Carla. Looking at her with curiosity and waiting for her to explain what she meant by "Sire".

'Basically a Sire is a person that is a leader. But in vampire terms it's some one that your bound to by blood. In a way....' Carla began to explain. We all looked at her with confusion written across our faces.

'Wait.... Let me get this straight.... You were blood bound to this guy Angel?' I replied with confusion in my voice.

Carla nodded her head.

'Yes. But I then broke the blood bond. It was hard but I had to do it. I couldn't take having to take orders from an asshole like Angel.' Carla growled. Her vampire fangs came out. White and sharp..... And that was a slight turn on....

What? We are werewolves and we do get sexually frustrated. We can't help it... It's bound to happen so you can't exactly blame us. It's within our hormones. We do have needs too you know.

Back to the current situation at hand....

'So your saying that Angel is after you to rekindle the blood bond between you and him?' Harry asked.

Carla nodded her head. I couldn't take much of her sweet scent any more. It was beginning to drive me insane.

'I'm going for a walk. I don't know when I will be back.' I growled as I turned and ran out of the house. Shifting into my wolf form; I ran into the forest.

In the distance I could hear Carla ask the others what was going on.

'What's up with Louis?' Carla questioned. The others gave a shrug of their shoulders.

They probably wouldn't understand the fact that my wolf hormones were kicking in and I wanted to mark Carla with my scent and my wolf teeth.

My wolf paws padded the forest ground softly as I ran through it in search of the clearing that I had first discovered Carla in. Even though it was a short period of time that I've known Carla. The clearing means a lot of things to me. And maybe even to the others too. But I don't know....

I waited for over an hour to return to the house but instead just hung around the clearing. It was peaceful. The air was fresh and fragrant with the smell of something like lilacs. It was beautiful. .

But then the sound of footsteps echoed through the forest. The sound of a vampire heart beating could also be heard. Then out of the edge of the clearing Carla emerged. Looking a little flustered. Her indigo eyes were shinning bright. It felt more like a dream to me in this moment.

'Carla what are you doing here?' I questioned her. Carla gave a shrug of her shoulders.

'I came looking for you.' Carla smiled over at me. She walked slowly towards me then sat down across from me.

'Carla isn't it dangerous out here since Angel is around?' I questioned quietly but my breathe was caught in my throat as Carla drew closer to me.

I could feel her warm breathe fan across my lips. My eyes flicked from Carla's blood rose red lips to her indigo eyes and back to her lips.

'Maybe.... But I know what's even more deadly then been out here when Angel is around....' Carla whispered in reply with a seductive smile playing at her lips.

My breathe got caught in my throat as I was pushed back into the grass with Carla straddling my lap as she leaned down on top of me. My heart began to race. Her ruby red lips were so close to me.

Within an instant I felt Carla's soft lips on mine and it felt like pure ecstasy.

Our lips were moving in a synchronisation that felt like we were dancing.... But then I had the feeling that we were also being watched in this clearing.... By who.... I wanted to know....

~ * ~

~ Carla ~

I had a plan. To destroy Angel once and for all. But the plan involves becoming mated to all 5 boys and having their blood in my system.... Dying and becoming a hybrid. It would be the only way of putting a stop to Angel's sire commands.

I had wanted to tell the boys my plans but I didn't want to scare them at the same time.

Louis and I were laying in the grass of the clearing the boys had found me in making out. The sun was beginning to set and the feeling of whom I presumed was Angel watching us.

I had a plan of playing him. Make him jealous. Lurer Angel in then strike. It seems to be a very good plan to me....



Hey guys. I'm back! But to let you all know updates will be slow and will most likely be once a week. I haven't decided a day yet. But it will most likely be a Friday.

I've been really busy because I'm now working on my own website and most of my stories that aren't Fan fictions or boyxboy stories are on there.

If your interested in any of my other works feel free to visit my website. You can find a link in my profile or on my message board. Or just drop me a private message if you wish too.

So yeah.

What do you guys think of the new chapter?
What do you think of Carla's plan? Will it work or will she die?
It will only tell in time....

Until the next update.

~ Gothcwriter1628


The next chapter may contain smut. So be aware!


I may delete the Author's note saying sorry about not finishing the book. Sorry.

One Vampire Mated To 5 Werewolves (A 1D Fan Fiction) (AU) Where stories live. Discover now