Chapter 7

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This chapter may contain a bit of smut. It will be in bold with a warning explaining it. Please enjoy the story.... 


~ Carla ~

The night was long and cold. Yet, the feeling of Zayn’s strangely warm lips lingered on my own. And yet I wish to have kissed the other 4 boys as well. My love for all of them is shared around with them. I was laying in bed awake. And it was just after Zayn had left the room. The 5 boys were my mates and I was their’s. I sighed. 

I felt a little sleep deprived. So I got up and moved out of bed. Luckily the door was shut. I walked over to where the balcony stood. The balcony on the side of my room over looked the small forest that faced south. It was beautiful. I sighed again. 

Why can’t I sleep? I thought to myself. I didn’t hear Niall come out to where I stood. 

‘Carla? Are you okay?’ Niall’s thick Irish voice sounded from behind me. I turned and nearly jumped. My hand flying to my chest. 

‘Oh Niall, you scared me….’ I let out a breathe. 

Niall just smiled. His eyes were the bright blue that symbolised that he had just shifted from being a wolf back into his mortal human form. 

‘I’m okay Niall. Thanks for asking.’ I smiled as I turned back to looking out over the south end of the forest. 

Out of the corner of my eye, I watched Niall move a little closer to me. His left arm went around my waist. Drawing me a little closer to his unnaturally warm body. 

‘Carla.…’ Niall began to whisper. ‘I don’t know how to express the love that I feel for you. But the only way I can think of is that I kiss you….’ 

Niall spun me around so that I was facing him. He had pulled me closer to him. My arms wrapped themselves naturally around his neck. His eyes flicked from my eyes to my lips and back again. Mine doing the same. Niall began to lean in closer to me. My breathing getting caught in my throat. And if my heart were able to beat. Niall drew closer to me. Then all of a sudden, our lips collided with a passionate force. They moved in a slow and passionate synchronisation. Niall then slipped his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues began to battle for dominance. 

‘Ahem….’ Sounded from behind us.

We pulled back. Turning slightly I saw Liam standing there in the same way Louis and Harry were when Zayn and I were doing the same thing. 

‘Umm….’ I began awkwardly. 

‘It’s not what it looks like….’ Niall tries to say but a deep blush began to cover his cheeks. 

Yeah….’ Liam says looking between the both of us. 

‘Good Night Carla….’ Both Liam and Niall smiled at me then left my room. I let out a deep sigh. Then went back into my room and laid in my bed. I sighed again. The lingering feeling of both Zayn’s and Niall’s lips lingered on mine. Making it feel as if it were tingling still from the feeling of them both kissing me. 

As I laid there in bed; sleep began to take over me. And then I began to dream….

(This is the part where the sort of smut begins. If you are a young reader please be advised that reading beyond this point may have some damage done to your innocence. If your a mature reader. Then you can choose to read on or not.
Thanks. The Writer)

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