Chapter 6

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~ Zayn ~

We all decided to go in pairs for the patrol around the boarders of our land. Louis and Harry had to go into town to get some more supplies since we had Carla staying with us. Niall and Liam were paired up to go and patrol the boarders. So then I was left alone in the house with a vampire. Our Vampire Carla

Great I thought I’m stuck in the house with Carla and I really want to kiss her….

Trailing silently up the stairs of the silent house. I walked along the floor to find Carla’s room. As I passed by the closed door I felt a strange and unknown presence in the house. 

My precious Carla’ The voice that was coming from Carla’s room spoke ‘I will get you. And you will be mine’ 

I stopped dead in my tracks. Turning ever so slowly I came face to face with Carla’s door. 

Right I thought I better go in. This maybe awkward but I must make sure our mate is okay

I reached out and placed my hand on the cold door knob. Jiggling it a tiny bit then twisting it. I forced my way into Carla’s room. 

Carla then sat bolt up right in her bed. 

Zayn? What are you doing in my room?’ Carla asked looking as if she only got a few minutes of sleep. 

‘Uhh….’ I began as my eyes scanned the room. Looking around the shadows, just incase the person or the mysterious voice was still in the room. 

‘I…. Uhh….. I came to see if you were okay…..?’ I said making it sound more like a question. 

‘Uh Huh….’ Carla replied with confusion written all over her face.

Carla sat up a bit more in her bed and some of the blankets fell from around her chest. Revealing her pyjama tank top. I gulped and blushed. 

‘What’s the matter Zaynie?’ Carla asked softly; her warm indigo blue eyes looked straight into mine as I looked up straight into her’s. 

With out even realising it, Carla had gestured for me to come closer to her. And I hadn’t even realised in that moment that I was walking straight towards her. I then proceeded to sit next to Carla. Her pale skin seemed to glow in the soft light filtering in from the hallway. I threw a quick glance out the window of Carla’s room. The sun had set and the moon had begun to rise. It’s silver light cascaded it’s way through the window and onto the floor and some of the bed. In silver streams. 

Zayn’ I heard Carla’s soft voice speak and her warm breathe fan across my lips. My heart jumped rapidly. It began to beat even faster. 

What am I going to do? What if the lads walk in? I thought to myself. But Carla was so close.  And her vampire scent so delicious. I looked up to her eyes then to her lips. Looking back and forth a few times drawing myself closer to her. Until I was a breathe away from her. 

Kiss me’ was silently uttered between the 2 of us.

And within an instant. Our lips were connected. 

Her warm yet cool lips were on mine. My heart was pounding. With every breathe that I breathed I could feel a slight heart beat come from Carla. 

Our lips began to move in sync. 

Softly at first. But then it began to grow heated. 

Carla fell back against the pillows of her bed. And I fell on top of her. Our lips never breaking apart. 

I felt her fangs come out and begin to graze at my lower lip. They were small and pointed. But will elongate when there is blood present. 

I felt my wolf hormones begin to kick in. 

And my wolf began to pace within me. Wanting to mark our mate. But I knew that 4 others wanted to mark her as their’s too. 

Small moans were escaping our lips as I felt Carla’s hands slip up and under my tight black t-shirt that I was wearing. She then grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and dragged it up and over my head, revealing my toned chest that I had hidden underneath my t-shirt. 

‘Ahem….’ sounded from the doorway. 

Carla and I both broke the kiss and looked towards the doorway red faced. 

‘It’s not what it looks like….’ I said as I looked at Louis and Harry who stood at the door. Their mouths agape and looking between both a shirtless me and a red face and flustered Carla. 

‘Ha…. Ha…. Hi boys’ Carla smiles and waves feeling a little awkward about the situation. 

‘Zayn…. Why are you in Carla’s room with her? And why are you shirtless too?’ The Doncaster lad speaks with his Doncaster accent thick. Harry just stood there with confusion written across his face. 

I got up from where I sat on Carla’s bed. Picking up the t-shirt that lay on the ground beside the bed and slipped it on. I then left the room. Harry and Louis walking in front of me. 

‘Good Night Zayn’ I heard come softly from Carla’s room. Carla had pulled the blankets up and curled up underneath them.

‘Zayn…. What were you doing in Carla’s room?’ Harry asked quietly as he turned and opened the door to his room. 

‘Umm….’ I began as I to awkwardly scratch at the back of my neck. 

‘Seriously Zayn. We are all mated to Carla here! It’s okay! We’re going to get a little time with Carla.’ Louis smiled as he clapped me on the shoulder. Louis and I both made our way to our separate rooms. But I still felt quiet awkward with the lads over what had happened and how they had walked in on what Carla and I were doing. 

My lips still were tingling after the sensational kiss between the 2 of us. 

All I have to do now is think about how I’m going to work it out with the other lads…. 



OMG! I'm soooo very sorry for not updating in a long time. I've had no inspiration to write and I've also being really busy. 

I have created my own website where I will actually begin to publish all my own works. 

But the good news is that there will be samples of the new works that I will be writing will be published up here on Wattpad.  

So there is no need to fear either. 

And most of my fan fictions that I will write will all be posted on here too. A long with all my boyxboy stuff and maybe even some of my other stories. Don't worry some of them won't be deleted. But the ones that I will have published on my website will be. 

So sorry for any inconveince that is caused. 

And this is also chapter 6! So I hope your enjoying the book. 

Sorry for the long author's note. 

Also this story will only be update once a week like the rest of my other stories. It's just that I'm in year 12 now at school and I'm trying to find the time around assignments and school work to write the books for on here. 

But I hope your all enjoying it. 

Until next Saturday with a fresh new update of One Vampire Mated to 5 Werewolves. 

~ Goth Jilly :) 

One Vampire Mated To 5 Werewolves (A 1D Fan Fiction) (AU) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora