" Hi Jerry ." She smiled continuing through to the elevator that led to Tonio's loft.

" Miss Layton, it's good to see you. Is Mr. Rodriguez expecting you tonight?"

The question caught her off guard. Wynter stopped turning she gave the guard a questioning look.

"No, I thought I would surprise him." Jerry's anxious look made her suspicious. "

"Is there something wrong with me going up to the loft?" She asked.

"I just don't think that would be a good thing to do right now." His words and the uncertainty in his eyes made her very suspicious. What was going on? She turned walking quickly across the foyer to the elevator. Pressing the up button she got in. Her nerves were now on edge. What was wrong with the fucking doorman. He was nervous as shit. Turning she watched as he rushed behind the desk the last thing she saw before the doors closed was him picking up the phone his eyes big with worry.

"He is cheating, It has to be a bitch. " Talking to herself out loud she hit the button that took her up to his loft. Saying a calming prayer silently she hoped that she was wrong about the negative thoughts she was having. She had told him she loved him had given herself to him. She shook her head in denial as the elevator stopped she pushed aside the gate and went down the hall unlocking the door she entered the loft. The light cascaded across the living room from the upper level. She paused Tonio couldn't possibly be home the game had just ended. Switching on the light the living room became illuminated. She had helped him decorate picking furniture and painting this was as much her home has his.

"Your home, great. I was waiting up so we could celebrate your win." The woman yelled down with a Spanish accent. Wynter eyes followed the dark haired woman walking down the spiral staircase. Dressed in a sheer red teddy and four inch heels to match. She carried two glasses and a bottle of champagne. Her heart was pounding hard in her chest. Anger grip her heart as the woman continued down the stairs now realizing that she was not Tonio.

"Who the hell are you?" The woman asked her. "How did you get in?"

Wynter held the rabbit's foot up that Tonio had given her with the key on it. " "I have a key." Wynter placed her bag on the floor.

"So who are you... the maid...your services won't be needed tonight. I've got this." The bitch thought she was pushing her luck with the insults. She knew she wasn't the maid. Wynter walked to the window looking out.

"Do I look like the maid?" Wynter removed the hat and glasses walking towards the brunette. Running her hands through her honey colored hair her hazel eyes remained on the Hispanic girl who was now holding the champagne bottle like a weapon.

"I am Tonio's girl friend."

"That's funny, I've known him since high school and I've been living here for two weeks and he has yet to mention a girlfriend...Oh yeah that would be me right."

Wynter felt like she had just been gut punched .. Tonio had lied about loving her. It had all been a lie he didn't love he just wanted to fuck her. That's why he insisted that they keep the relationship a secret until the end of the season. He had no intention of ever making their relationship public. Trying to keep her composure Wynter stood toe to toe with the girl who was a head shorter than herself even with heels on. The one thing her mother taught her was never let the enemy see that you're hurting. Right now she wanted to cry out and kick this bitch's ass. But her mother also told her no man is worth fighting over and she was itching to dunk Lacinda Davitca head in the fish tank...with her smug short ass..

Wynter watched the Spanish bitch sashay over to the couch she and Tonio had picked out sit down and cross her legs like she owned the place.

"I guess Tonio has some explaining to do to us?" The brunette pointed.

"Know he doesn't owe me anything. I'm out. You can have him.." Wynter grabbed her bag and headed toward the door.

"In that case please don't forget to leave your key."

Wynter turned prepared to throw the key at the bitch as she ducked.. Instead she laid them on the table ..As soon as she closed the door the tears fell. Jerry was at the elevator when it opened. She went into his arm for support as the tears took over.

"I'm sorry Miss Layton, I didn't know what to say." Wynter let him lead her to a set of leather chairs.

"It's not your fault Jerry." She sniffled into a handkerchief he had given her.

"I have a cab waiting for you Miss ..I didn't think you would want to stay here too long."

"Thank you." She stood heading toward the entrance her eyes focusing on the man entering. He reached out his hand towards her she backed away not wanting his touch." Don't you fucking touch me. You pig." She backed up not wanting him to reach for her again. Her eyes never leaving his face.

" It's not what you think Wynter." He knew she would over react he had to get to a place where they could talk privately.

"And what is that I think? You son of a bitch."

"Look this isn't the place baby just come with me."

He grabbed her hand... "Get the hell off of me!" She dug her nails in his arm until he released her. "You're not giving me a chance to explain." She couldn't stop herself she raised her hand and slapped him in the face. She watched him staggered back startled placing his hand on the spot she had hit him. He was shocked and she was not satisfied so she lifted her hand and slapped him again. Than a rage took over she felt a surge of angry she wanted him to feel the same pain she felt so she began kicking punching biting as he tried to protect himself and get her to stop. "Wynter stop." She heard him yelling out. As he tried to get a hold of her hands.

Stop hell no she wanted to hurt him like he had hurt reaching out she grabbed a hold of his shirt she digging her nails into his chest. He hollered in pain and moved back. She knew that he would have a nice scare to remember her by. "Now you know how I feel." She felt a brief satisfaction in that as she took a hold of his thick black hair in a vice grip . Wynter felt herself being lifted up off her feet instantly she released her grip. Jerry carried her to the waiting taxi placing her inside she noticed the driver was the same man who had brought her down. His smile gone replaced by a look of shock ..He put the automatic locks on just as Tonio came pulling on the door. She looked at his mussed hair and the scratches on his cheek from her attack..

"I need to explain Wynter. Please let me explain baby it's not how it looks."

She felt hollow inside as she watched him yank the door then slap the window so hard it shook." I love you Wynter. You have to believe me."

A small audience seemed to appear out of nowhere she ducked down in the seat as cell phone flashes went off. "Please get me out of here ." She refused to look back. She wiped at her tears and called her girlfriend.

Hi I'm really looking for some feedback... I know about grammatical errors .Please let me know what you think and if you see any mistakes..thanks, M.

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