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Cairo's POV

"This feels weird" Lindsey says when we walk into the away dressing room in Portland.

Of course our first game with LA is against Portland

"Yeah...Never thought I'd be going into this dressing room." I say walking next to my wife.

I then sit my stuff in my locker, hand Isabella to Lindsey, and then grab a ball.

Before Lindsey and I signed with LA we asked all the teams that wanted us if we could bring Isabella to games, to training, and on the road with us and Ali immediately agreed which made our decision a lot easier.

When I walk out onto the pitch I notice they haven't let the fans in yet so I do my seal walk in utter silence which is a bit odd, but kinda nice. Once my walk is done I head back into the locker room.

"Are you going to celebrate?" A rookie asks me.

"Depends how many goals I score." I say.

"Baby can you change Bella?" Lindsey asks.

"Of course."

I take my babygirl from my other babygirl and then go and change Isabella. While I'm changing her Ash comes over and keeps her occupied by making funny faces at her. After Isabella is fresh and clean I change her shirt and put her in her baby LA Lightning jersey with our last name on the back and Lindsey's number.

"Well isn't that just adorable." Ali says when she sees Isabella, who is now asleep, in Lindsey's jersey.

I'm then handed Isabella's headphones and I put them on her. Lindsey and I then walk out of the locker room and find Christen, who is just getting over an injury so she can't play for the Thorns today.

Yeah she was apart of the the three team trade that involved Lindsey and I going to LA.

"Hey Mrs. Heath." I say.

"Hey." Christen says and smiles.

I was like that too when I took Lindsey's last name.

"How was the honeymoon?" Lindsey asks.

"Amazing. I'll tell you about it tonight at dinner."

"Sounds good."

"Thank you for watching Isabella." I say and hand Isabella over.

"Of course." Christen says.

Lindsey and I hug her then we head to the pitch for warm ups. As Lindsey and I emerge from the tunnel there is a loud roar coming from the crowd.

"Is that for us?" I ask.

"I guess so." Lindsey says then both of us clap to the fans then we go do our warm ups.

After warmups we head inside and change into our uniforms. Ali then does her pregame speech, which I still don't listen too, and then we head to the tunnel. Once in the tunnel Lindsey and I do our pre-match routine then get in our spots in line.

I'm first in line since I was voted captain for some reason.

When told to we head onto the pitch and do the pre match stuff then get lined up to start the game. I'm up top with Alex and Jordyn Huitema, who signed here before the 2020 season, while Lindsey is in the midfield with Jessie Fleming, who was the first pick in the 2020 draft, and a girl named Ella.

Our team is shooting toward the Riveters which should be fun.

The game is quite boring until the 20th minute when one of our defenders clears the ball to Lindsey. Seeing this I time my run perfectly and Lindsey plays a ball over the top that falls right at my feet. I sprint towards goal, but before I get there I look up to see if I have a better option only to see no better option. I keep sprinting at goal then when I'm about 25 yards out I side foot the ball and it goes into the far bottom corner making it 1-0.

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