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She changed her hair. She added some weight to her hips and ass; and yet it made her look even more desirable.

My head was still throbbing and I wasn't sure if I was seeing was real.

I blinked a couple of times to make I wasn't hallucinating and she was still there. Smiling at the customers and taking down their orders. She looks happy.

My heart started to pump fast with adrenaline as I shot up from the table. Unfortunately I hit my crotch on the table, disabling me and sending me straight back down to my seat.

Tzuyu looked at me with wide eye. "What the fuck?"

"Shit man, my future children felt that one." I wrinkled my face in pain from my cock and balls hitting the sturdy table.

Other than that, people's eyes were on me from not only my loud groan but the clatter of the table and dishes.

Our waitress came up to our table and asked if everything was ok. I nodded silently with an awkward smile.

"Can we just have the check?" Tzuyy spoke out.

"Of course Miss." she smiled and was about to turn around when I stopped her.

"Excuse me but might I know the other waitress's name?"

She looked at whom I think is Lisa and turned back.
"She likes to go by Lala when confronting customers for safety purposes."

"May I ask why?"

She was a bit surprised by me asking and she even shook a bit. She cleared her voice and lowered her voice.

"A customer got fixated with her and found out where she lived. He became a stalker and almost broke into her house. So the owners are now very protective."

Both me and Tzuyu were taken aback by this news.

"That's terrible." Tzuyu said. "I hope she's alright now."

"She is. But I'll get the check for you two." She returned her now fake smile and went on her way.

I'm no fool and I know that's her. But hearing the owners are protective, I can't ask the waitress that and then approach her. That'd just raise suspicion.

I have to go on the down-low if I want to confirm it by looking and speaking with her.

The waitress returned with the check and we said our farewells.

We entered a cab and. I talked with Tzuyu about it.

"The other waitress, Lali, looks a lot like Lisa." She tolled her eyes and looked at me with seriousness but that's just a cover for her feeling bad.

"Jungkook, we talked about this-"

"I know but this is different."

"No it is not. You think you saw her but you didn't. That's just your mind playing tricks on you."
She was speaking with every intent to deny.

"No it's not. I saw-"

"You saw what you wanted to see. I get it you miss her but this is really fucking with you. I'm worried for you man. First you have your little depression state and then after you recover and move; you all of a sudden have these hallucinations."

She sounded right.

I know deep down that I miss her but on the surface of reality, she's gone. She left and never came back.

Maybe I am just imagining her as a coping mechanism. I'm losing my mind.

"You're right. This is fucking with me, and hard."

"Why don't you take a break, yeah? Work just adds a lot of stress. So take a well needed break. The boys know how hard you work so I'm sure they'll understand."

"Okay. I'm gonna call them."

The rest of the ride was awkward as the driver was trying to make small talk.

"So, freaky weather we got." Was his first sentence and I seriously needed to get the fuck away from this taxi.

It was 10 more minutes until we reached my complex. Tzuyu went home on her own and I just took the elevator to my penthouse.

The doors opened and I walked into a living area with a drunk, nude Eunha.

Why the fuck is this drunk hoe, tainting my leather couch with her ass?

Master was here so soon and left so quick.

My every body part was heating up and my emotion generator was sending out mixed feelings like lust, love, pain, joy, sadness...

All of it sent me into a break down in the bathroom knowing I wanted and needed my master, but I cannot have him.

I can't have his low sexy voice in my ear. His tongue exploring what is his. His eyes pierce me with flames that burn through my clothes. I cannot have his all on top of me so sweetly and slutty. His hands, OH GOD HIS HANDS!!

I made myself almost over heat so I dispersed water to cool down. So not only was I becoming sweaty and crying, I was fucking wet.

At times like these I curse my programmers and dirty minded creators for making me this way.

Fuckin weirdos.

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