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This chapter might has some back story in the beginning but TEA at the end sis.

- Author


I got off the phone with my mother and father telling me about their vacation in France and how "It's so pretty and elegant! We should move here!" The exact words from my mother of course.

I could barely hear my father in the background telling her that they don't have time despite the fact that my father is already retired. She just shushed him and continued babbling about the Eiffel Tower and food. It all got a bit tiring to hear.

By the time we ended the call, I had already finished my cigarette which I lit 12 minutes into the call. I dropped the butt of what Tzuyu calls the 'cancer stick' and smashed it between the soul of my shoe and the ground.

I entered my car which I parked outside of a liquor store in a nearby district by Gangnam. It was half-past 7 and I was waiting for Tzuyu to hurry up and get her bottles already. I looked both sides of me to make sure that no one was spying.

Tzuyu finally came out of the corner store and waved goodbye with a smile.

"Did you have a whole fucking yoga session in there or something? What took you so long?"

She rolled her eyes and held up bottles of vodka, Hennessy, and a carton of beer. "I got what you requested so shut that face hole that's blabbering. Just get in the car."

We drove over to her place and started drinking away. We do this once a week just to let it all out on another and then laugh about it. Have a horrible hangover and grab some coffee, water, and eat lots of food?

I took the first gulp of the evening and put my cup on the table. "Ok then, let's start spilling." She said.

"You go first." I said and she nodded leaning back in her chair.

"I met a guy. I didn't want to tell anyone until a couple of months into the relationship." She said and drank down her sorrows.

"He said all these nice things and complimented me on so many occasions. I felt so happy with him because I thought I've finally met someone who loves me for who I am and appreciate me for who I am."

She then started to cry. Usually people would be comforting the other person but we both decided if crying is the case, the other cannot touch them, they cannot interrupt them to tell them it's gonna be ok, they let the other let it all out.

"But a couple of months turned into a year of not telling anyone but he had already introduced me to everyone and I feel so bad now. I remember how patient he was waiting for me and he had no problem. Until one night we got in a fight and I don't even remember it. But if I wasn't such a bitch maybe he'd still be here ya know."

She took a couple deep breaths and took more gulps.

"Ya know his funeral was 5 months ago and there's still that sting and I feel like it's never gonna go away." She finished and refilled her cup.

I nodded and she moved it to me.

"I know talked about it but recently this scenario happened to me. After spending a night with someone, I just smelled Lisa. For a split second and it just surprised me a lot. I started looking for her and then realized she wasn't there so I had a drink."

I stopped and took a beer from the holder. I popped the cap open and took a couple of drinks.

"I looked out of the window saw someone look so much like her. I mean different hair color but it was still her ya know. But it was just so bad how I couldn't control myself."

I drank to it and we continued to just talk about life and how much it sucks until it was sunrise and we both had a hangover.

"Hey you know what, I know this cute little coffee place on the corner. They make bomb ass coffee so let's go."

I got up and we both got into an Uber which I literally almost fell asleep in. My eyes felt very heavy and I couldn't seem to keep them open.

It wasn't until we stopped when Tzuyu pinched my arm. "Get the fuck up. We're here."

I rolled my eyes and we got into the coffee shop that just opened.

"Good Morning and Welcome, table for 2?" A tiny girl asked. I looked at her name tag and couldn't seem to read it.

My head was throbbing and I just needed coffee, water, and greasy food to soak up the alcohol.

We sat down at our table we immediately ordered what we came here for.

Time passed by and we downed about 4 cups while eating our breakfast. We stayed here for a couple of hours until we needed to pick up the check. We couldn't see our waitress so I called for another girl.

My vision cleared up and as soon as I caught a glimpse of the girl my heart dropped.


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