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"Jesus Christ, can you believe it? The nerve he has."

That line was said by the woman who did everything right, but I disappeared.


She looks amazing, nonetheless, she also seems to be pissed. So imagine how I might trigger her if she doesn't like me.

I turned my back and walked over to Mina. I was frantic and she could read that on my facial expression. "Are you good?"

"Uhhm...no," I said very bluntly. "The ladies at the door need to be seated and I can't seat them nor serve them."


"Drama that I can't explain but please please please just take this one." I pleaded and would have gotten on my knees and given her a blowjob if she asked for it.

"Okay, but can you take over my tables or just watch over them?" I nodded and mouthed a thousand thank you's.

She walked over with a smile towards them and Tzuyu and her other friends didn't notice me.

I owe her my life.

As promised I served her tables and helped clean up messes. At all costs, I avoided that table and tried to be as casual as possible.

Time then started to fly very smoothly until it became the end of Mina's last shift, the end of my first shift, and the start of Sungmin's.

Sungmin is extremely cute but the same time, extremely fuck boy thirsty. I swear it always happens that as soon as he steps in the shop every girls' head turns at this boy. If they only knew how much of a perv he is.

He entered the shop and I immediately knew he is going to go to the back and get his things. And following his steps is Tzuyu so in order to avoid me being in her vision I ducked behind the coffee bar.

Sungmin turned the corner and there I was. I can tell I startled him because he had this look of surprise and jumped a bit.

"Sungmin," I whisper-shouted.


"I need you to do me a huge favor." I looked at him desperately. He smirked and used this to manipulate me.

"Well if I do this for you what will I get for it?"

"I don't know? Just do it and I promise I will do you whatever it is for you that is reasonable."

"I'll hold that against you."

"Ok yeah. You see that table with three girls in their 20's at the corner table by the window?"

He looked and nodded. "What about them?"

"I need you to serve that table."

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Really." I said and he agreed.

He chuckled and walked away to put his apron on. I got up and started to give the checks out. After that, I turned around and someone was calling me. It was an old couple and all they needed were their drinks refilled and I took both of the glass cups of iced tea.

As I turned, I bumped into someone and dropped the glass cups.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry." She said and I knelt down to pick up the glass pieces and put them in the tray.

"It's fine. Nothing I can't handle." I smiled and looked up to see one of Tzuyu's friends. I didn't let my guard down despite how I was a little jumpy. "I can pick them up, it happens sometimes."

She seemed too dazed off though. I looked up and she said a sentence fairly faint but still audible to me.

"I think I've seen you in a picture somewhere." She said and studied my features closely.


"Do you know Jungkook?"


"I'm sorry that doesn't ring a bell." I shook my head and she snapped out of it when some girl's voice shouted at her.

"Yoona, let her do her job in peace."

Yoona sat back down and I glanced back when I caught that scent. The heavy perfume with that hint of vodka still there but something else as well. She smelt like the morning after sex.

Drunk slut.

I continued to clean up the mess and give the couple new glasses with iced tea. By now Tzuyu and the other girl Yoona left out of the door and left the drunk slut to pay up front. She looked for her waiter who is not on the floor and instead called me over.

"Excuse me, I'd like to pay." She said staring straight at me. I inhaled and walked toward her with a warm smile.

"Alright, ma'am, did you enjoy your time with us today?" I asked as she slid her card with the check.

She shrugged and had a nasty look on her face. "Yeah, I guess." She said and I handed her a pen for her to sign the other receipt for us. She signed and put a tip. Once the receipt was snatched from my fingertips, she made a quick turnaround and walked her rude drunk ass out the door.

I looked down at the tip and she put and it was 2000 won. You can't even buy a bag of chips with that pety shit.


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