Group Chat ♛ What Are Friends?

Start from the beginning

Lou 🍑
And what the fuck did we do ??

Cindy 🍒
Liam was my best friend since school started, I had a huge crush on him and I told Harry about it.. I remember when Harry introduced you to us (Liam & I) you were all flirty and confident around him.. a couple of weeks later, I heard you guys talking about how you had a huge crush on Liam and Harry didn't say anything about the crush I had on him, he just said "he's single and I think he goes both ways too so that's a plus"

Cindy 🍒
You guys have no idea how much that hurt me but no one fucking noticed because no one ever notices or asks how I feel

Harry 🌻
So you kissed Zayn as revenge?? For me not telling Louis how in love you were with Liam

Cindy 🍒
No it wasn't revenge but it's the same situation

Lou 🍑
You're actually crazy if you think that's the same ! Because it's not ! Harry didn't go behind my back and did something with Liam !

Cindy 🍒
ALL WE DID WAS KISS! I didn't have sex with him!

Cindy 🍒
That was never my intention to kiss him but he kissed me first

Lou 🍑
Oh shut the fuck up, don't use that line of "he kissed me first"

Lou 🍑
You could've pushed him away but no you decided to keep it going

Cindy 🍒
I was drunk, okay and that isn't an excuse but I was and as soon as I realized what I was doing I stopped it from getting any further

Lou 🍑
Drunk or not, you knew what Harry feels for him

Lou 🍑
But look at that, she stopped it, how great is that

Cindy 🍒
Seriously Tomlinson, fuck off, you're just instigating the whole situation

Lou 🍑
I'm defending my best friend !

Cindy 🍒
He can defend himself!

Cindy 🍒
Honestly you're not!

Cindy 🍒
All you're doing is making rude remarks at me

Cindy 🍒
I know you don't like me but that doesn't mean you have to be a fucking asshole all the time

Cindy 🍒
I have never done anything to you so you have no reason to treat me the way you treat me

Cindy 🍒
And Harry, we ran into Zayn at Coachella the last day, all of us hanged out together but what did you do??

Cindy 🍒
You ignored him Harry, he tried to make you laugh, he tried to flirt with you, tried to talk you and you shut him down

Harry 🌻
So what you're saying is that he kissed you just because I didn't talk to him??

Harry 🌻
Also does that justify you sneaking away with him and sucking on his face??

Cindy 🍒
Don't say that Harry..

Cindy 🍒
And no that doesn't justify it, I'm just saying because when we left to VIP, he asked me if you actually had a crush on him

Lou 🍑
Was that before or after you two were grinding on each other??

Cindy 🍒
Weren't you there watching?

Cindy 🍒
Seriously Harry—did you ever take in consideration that if you wanted to have a relationship with this dude, you'd have to meet him in person one day??

Cindy 🍒
Because when you have a crush on someone, you'd talk and flirt with them but you didn't do any of that

Harry 🌻
I didn't know what to say, okay! It's not every day that I meet the guy I've only interacted with on the internet

Cindy 🍒
He's a real fucking person! He's friends with Liam and Niall, goes to the same school as us, how did you not think that you would never meet him??

Harry 🌻
I was just nervous okay!

Harry 🌻
But that's besides the point because you're my fucking best friend Cindy, how could you do that to me?

Harry 🌻
You know that I like him

Lou 🍑
He's basically off limits

Cindy 🍒
Off limits? He's off limits? Really?
I didn't see a partner clinging onto his arm

Cindy 🍒
As far as I know, he's single

Lou 🍑
That's a low blow even for you

Harry 🌻
I can't believe you just said that Cindy

Cindy 🍒
Truth hurts

Harry 🌻
Fuck you Cindy

Lou 🍑
This is what happens when you throw yourself at your best friend's crush

Cindy 🍒
I didn't throw myself at him, stop making it seem like I'm a slut because I'm not

Cindy 🍒
I'm done arguing with you, Tomlinson

Cindy 🍒
This situation was none of your business

Cindy 🍒
So go fuck yourself!

Cindy 🍒
And as for you Harry, when you actually want to talk like civil people without your little hero instigating, I'll be home waiting for you

Lou 🍑
Fuck you Cindy Kimberly !

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