My room was nearly empty after an hour of packing. I headed towards my bathroom, and packed up all of my toiletry items. I left the bathroom, and entered the partially bare room. Some of my clothes I had decided to leave behind, because I would never wear them again. I looked around making sure I didn't miss anything. In the corner was the bag of clothes that Kathleen had gotten for me. I picked it up and stuffed it into my suitcase, not having the heart to leave a piece of Kathleen behind.

I nodded my head when I was satisfied with my packing. It may be a lot, but I was packing up my whole life. I picked up the oversized suitcase, and wheeled it across the hallway to the stairs. Philly came out of his room as I reached the stairs, and picked up the suitcase without saying a word to me. He carried it down the stairs, and left me still numb at the top of the stairs.

I made my way down into the living room. Mom, Philly, Mitch and Dad were standing around awkwardly. Dylan was nowhere to be found. Most of the tears were whipped away from my family's faces.

Dad quickly grabbed his keys, and headed out to the car with my suitcase. When the door closed, Mom ran up to me and wrapped me up in a big hug.

"I'll miss you," she mumbled into my hair.

I closed my eye tight to stop the tears.

"I'll miss you, too."

I was released, and Mom whipped away a few tears. Philly then came and scooped me up, pulling me close to his chest. He buried his face into my hair.

"I love you," he cried.

I let out a shaky breath. "I love you so much," I said back.

"Try to keep me updated on the situation, cause you two will be going to the same school now," he whispered almost too low for me to even hear.

I completely forgot I would be going back to that school again. Great. More complications to add to my already screwed up life.

I was then passed onto Mitch, not touching the ground. He held me in the same position as Philly had.

"It's going to be so different without you here anymore."

I chuckled a bit. I must be going insane if I was actually laughing in a situation like this. Well everyone did know I was crazy at times. "I'll miss you!"

Dad came back in through the doorway, and Mitch set me down.

"Ready?" He asked with his alpha face on.

I shook my head, not ready to go, but walked up to him. I looked around kind of hoping that Dylan would come back. He didn't, and Dad took me out the door with one last goodbye.

We got into the car, and I wanted to jump out and lock myself in my room. I looked one last time at the house, and then we drove off. As the house got further and further away from me the larger the hole in my chest got.

The house was no longer in view, nor was the neighborhood I used to live in. We were now in the busy area in town, heading toward the orphanage that I had grown up in. I looked away from the window, and looked at Dad. His eyes were darting around, probably because this was the side of town that the Steffan's pack hung out around. His jaw was tight, and his fists were clenching the steering wheel tightly.

He was really upset about something; it was just too bad I couldn't find out. Dad looked over at me, and I looked down at my hands quickly.

We slowed down, and I looked up from my hands. Before us stood the same white building I had grown up in. I let out a shaky breath; still not believing this was really happening to me. It was all just some nightmare that I would wake up from soon.

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