Chapter 3: First Day at Beacon and Meeting The Titan Squad

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Yelling: BOLD
Whispering: Bold
Talking: Bold
Radio chat: Bold
(non violent action): (knock)/ (high five)

(Attention, I am writing for fun not facts, if I don't have proper military stuff in here just shut up because I don't care)

(POV Y/n)

I was having a peaceful sleep and was dreaming about food, however my dream was interrupted by a loud whistle, I fell out of my bed and looked around and saw James dressed in his regular outfit, I could see Damien still in his bed under the blanket and Clancy was still asleep

Y/n: what is wrong with you

James: just because we aren't at HQ doesn't mean you can sleep in, we've got classes to go to, now if you don't wanna be deaf by the whistle I suggest blocking your ears

I blocked my ears as James walked near both Damien and Clancy's beds and blew the whistle, they both fell out of their beds, I unblocked my ears and got up

James: now we've got classes at 9 am, it is....7:05 am

Damien: you woke us up 2 hours early

James: well we've gotta do our morning run and we've gotta has breakfast

Clancy: what are we doing for the run, are we going to the forest or what

James: no, we are doing 10 laps around beacon

Y/n: oh come on

James: oh shush, now get ready and meet me out front of beacon

James then left the dorm as me and the others got ready, we left our dorm and went out front to see James looking at his watch, he looked at us

James: you guys ready

Clancy: no I just wanna sleep

Damien: yeah same

James: well to bad, alright let's go

James then took a running start as Clancy, Damien and I then started to jog as well, we were to tired and we could see James getting faster and further away, as we finished our first lap James passed us

James: oh your left

(TimeSkip 15 minutes)

We finally finished our laps as James was siting down just drinking his water

Damien: how did you get so fast

James: General Horiis had sent us all upgrades for our exoskeletons

Clancy: and you didn't give us ours

James: nah, but here *hands us computer chips*

We all put the computer chips in our necks, I then left my exoskeleton shake a small bit

Damien: oh I can feel the upgrade

James: feels good doesn't it

Y/n: I feel like I could run around all of America

James: yeah, General Horiis said that the upgrades make us stronger and much faster

Clancy: you're still an asshole

James: I know, now let's go to the showers and then get breakfast

We all then walked to the men's locker room where the showers were (private showers btw), we all got in a shower each, then Clancy starts singing as we joined too

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