Chapter 1: Saving a Huntress

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Yelling: BOLD
Whispering: Bold
Talking: Bold
Radio chat: Bold
(non violent action): (knock)/ (high five)

(Attention, I am writing for fun not facts, if I don't have proper military stuff in here just shut up because I don't care)

*It it now been years since you the reader left, you are now 19 and beacon started 1 month ago*
*POV Ruby*
I was walking down the halls it's currently 5pm, I walk in my dorm and see my team

Ruby: Hey girls

Yang: hey sis, where were you

Ruby: oh I was just helping Pyrrha to try and get Jaune to notice her

Weiss: he won't notice her, we all know that

Ruby: and why's that

Weiss: (closes book) because he is in love with me.....well my last name

Yang: oh yeah wasn't he flirting with you before initiation

Weiss: and after....even earlier today, no matter what I tell him to leave me alone but he just keeps annoying me

Yang: maybe hint that Pyrrha likes him

Weiss: I did and he still doesn't get it, he's such a dunce
[quick side note I got in trouble at school for calling my mate a dunce, my teacher thought it was a racist word, my mates black and I was like "mate dunce is just a fancy way for calling someone stupid" he didn't respond so I win"]

Ruby: yeah....oh I forgot

Yang: what

Ruby: I don't have any cookies, I'm gonna go to Vale

Yang: ruby it's too late

Ruby: please....I'll be quick

Yang: (breathes out) fine but be quick

Ruby: got it

I ran outside to the bullheads and took one to Vale, I arrived after 30 minutes and ran towards a bakery, I went inside and bought some cookies, I paid and left, as I was walking down the street I saw this masked man watching me, he then started to follow me, just before I could run someone came from an alleyway and put a piece of cloth on my mouth, I struggled but passed out

*TimeSkip 2 hours*
I woke up to someone splashing water on me, I looked and saw I was tied to a chair with people in some outfits

*TimeSkip 2 hours*I woke up to someone splashing water on me, I looked and saw I was tied to a chair with people in some outfits

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I realised they were terrorist

Terrorist 1: mn hdha  {who is this}

Terrorist 2: alsiyadat fi altadrib {Huntress in training}

Terrorist 1: madha nafeal biha {what do we do with her}

Terrorist 2: yahsul ealaa maelumat {get info}

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