Chapter 2: Ghost in Beacon

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Yelling: BOLD
Whispering: Bold
Talking: Bold
Radio chat: Bold
(non violent action): (knock)/ (high five)

(Attention, I am writing for fun not facts, if I don't have proper military stuff in here just shut up because I don't care)

*POV Ruby*
I awoke to the sound of people outside marching, I look outside to see the sun just coming up, it's only 6am, I walk to the kitchen and see a glass in the dish rack, I grab it and fill it with water and take a sip, I walk down the hall to Y/ns room and knock

Y/n: *muffled* come in

I open the door and see Y/n shirtless at his desk, he looks at me

Y/n: oh hey Ruby what's up

Ruby: umm well I was gonna ask why are there people marching outside

Y/n: oh that well it's Saturday so James usually goes and wakes up the recruits and goes on a march then a run, sometimes Damien and Clancy go with him, I usually just stay and do whatever really,

Ruby: oh ok, quick question how did you find me

James: well being honest we didn't, we were looking for files and found you in one of the rooms

I turn around and see James at the door

Ruby: so you're saying that it was just a lucky chance of being rescued

James: no actually, we went for files, those files were ones of all the people the terrorists kidnapped and well price looked over the list and found out that you were one of them

Ruby: so either way, you would have found me

Y/n: absolutely, it's out jobs to help out others, even when we are off duty, we still protect and help

Clancy then came running to the room

Clancy: are we giving speeches...oh I got one

Just before he could continue James grabbed him by the back of his shirt and started to leave

James: alright Clancy lets leave the love birds alone

Clancy: awww, but I wanna make a speech

James: later

With that they both left and James shut the door, I was blushing when James called Y/n and I love birds

Y/n: sorry about Clancy he can be a handful but hey...he's like my own brother and plus he can kick some serious ass

Ruby: awesome


Ruby: that was quick

Y/n: dudes a natural at cooking

With that we both left his room and walked to the dining room, I sat down and Y/n sat next to me

Damien: two have fun in there

Ruby: we talked that's it

What I didn't notice was that Y/n was giving Damien a dirty look

James: Damien....shut up

Damien: I'm just saying, Y/n could have gotten laid

Ruby: what do you mean laid

Damien: well I mean

But before he could finish his sentence, James tackled Damien to the ground

James: protect the innocent at all cost boys

Damien: dude seriously

James: it's what we do

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