Chapter 2

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Her eyes blinks and widen

I’m here, I’m here! I have searched everything in this room, everything but me.

She stand up check her pockets and found what she was looking for a note,

but something made her stop.

Her hands was as thin as a stick, she could be near in the state of a skeleton now, but how she wondered

Just what did happen?

As if that question was a push button,

she froze and started to remember,

to what had happen to her.

(Flash back)

It was past midnight when she arrive home, she live separated with her family to study college and was in her 3rd semester, that day she came from work, she was doing a part time job to help with her finances,

she came inside and open the lights, she threw her bag in her bed and had the urge to look around her messy room, everything was the same as she left it , she let her hair down and as she did , a cold breeze swayed her hair and immediately made her turn to the window,

Huh… did I forget to close the window?

She mumbles while frowning to herself and trying to remember if she forgotten or not.

she walk towards it, stuck his head out and look around,

Nothing seems different…just the ordinary

Reina shrugged and thought that she left it open, she closed the window and was frozen

Her eyes freeze and her heart beat races as he see a reflection other than herself in the window glass.

She turn around with hesitation and face a man wearing a mask in an all-black outfit, her heart was beating hard, her mind was racing for question and fear.

The man’s face was entirely hidden, he was wearing a hood and a bulky gas mask, an unknown guy is in her room she need to call for help she thought,

she open her mouth to scream but all it gave out was a strangled croak, she tried to take a step but her legs was shaking badly and was getting weak.

She fell out of her feet, and fell to the ground, fighting to stay awake she notice a white smoke filling up her room it was from a small object in similarity of a grenade.

it was right in front of her—hissing as the white smoke filed up to the point in which there was nothing else seen but the white smoke.

As she felt weaker, she heard a stepping sound of the man towards her,

“This is an honor and you must be thankful, for you have been chosen” the rasping voice came out of the gas mask, but truly Reina only felt harsh and coldness in it.

“You will participate in a game, the Nonary Game ”

The what game…?

“It’s a lovely game, where you put your life on the line”

And Reina’s consciousness left her.

(back to present)

That’s right!

There was this man!

That man!

That asshole probably the one who took me here!

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