Chapter 6

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As soon as we made eye contact and said the word "mate" I ran away. But I didn't get far before I was up against the school wall with a face in my neck inhaling my scent.

I wasn't shocked at all because that's what males do when they find their mate, they inhale the female mates scent. Then after they mark them they most possessive and controlling of their mate. Then they mate and have pups. I hope mine isn't like that.

"Where do you think your going, little mate?" He asked me in his deep husky voice. His voice was so sexy. Why did I just say his voice was sexy.

"First of all, none of your business. Secondly, I'm not little." I told him angry.

"Yes you are," he argued back.





"No!" I yelled at him. Everyone turned there heads and looked at us, "What the fuck are you looking at? Nothing to see here!" I yelled at them. Everyone turned back around and continued with their conversations. I have a short temper.

"Alright," he said acting defeated, "I have a feisty little mate. You're going to have to move in with me soon anyways. But, I'm going to give you a week."

"No I'm not," I said to him.

"Yes you are." He said.

"No," I told him angry.


"If I did what about Harper, Skylar and Madeline?" I asked him.

"What about them?"

"They live with me," I told him, "And they come with me wherever I go."

"Well if they are mates with my beta, gamma or delta in my pack then they can come with you." He said.

"Okay," I said, "I have to get to History."

"Let me walk you,"

"No. My friends and I are walking together." I told him.

"I'm still going to walk you to class," he told to sternly.

"Fine." I sighed giving up on this argument. He smirked in his victory. And I rolled my eyes.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you that rolling your eyes at someone is rude," he said.

"Didn't your mother ever tell you to shut up," I fired back at him.

"Don't talk to me like that," he lowly growled. His eye flickered from blue to gold indicating that his wolf was going to come out.

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"What's your name, little one?"

"I told you I'm not little but it's Sapphire Quinn. What's yours?"

"Yes you are. My name is Noah Smith," he told me.

That was a hot name for a good looking guy like him. Why did I just say that.

The girls joined me and him. And then we got to the classroom.

"Goodbye." I said to him wanting him to go away because I wasn't in the fucking mood to deal with him after we had the conversation in the hallway.

But he just smirked and followed us inside. I groaned in my head.

"Great he's probably in all of my classes." I thought in my head.

"Well at least we will be able to see him until we move into his house"  my wolf Adriana said to me.

"Oh hell no!" I told her.

After history I went to my next class Noah kept on following me around the school. When this class ended, I had lunch and then my last two classes. I said goodbye to Noah and went to find the girls. But before I could do that someone grabbed my hand.

Time skip to when they go to the mall.

My Mates An Alpha Where stories live. Discover now