Chapter 9

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I'm in my room doing some math when I hear the front door slowly and quietly close. Bishara must be back. I think. I get back to my homework, thinking nothing of how slowly and almost silently the door closed.

I hear Bishara go into the washroom and turn on the tap. She then goes out into the hall and into her room. A few minutes later, I decide to go in her room and report the day's work. I walk down the hall and open her door, barging in. "Want to hear all the crap I had to deal with Woah, what happened to your face, you get in a fight or something?"

"Nothing. Just, uh, I fell and hit my jaw on the pavement. Please don't tell Mom or Dad; it's already humiliating as it is." Bishara massages her jaw.

I smile. I have an advantage over her now. "Oh, but that wouldn't be fun now would it?"

"Oh come on, Chitundu, please!"

"Well," I say, "I could be convinced...if I get something in return."

Bishara sighs, "What do you want?"

"Oh, just your allowance for a week."

"Fine. I'll give you my stupid allowance for a week. Now get out. You don't have to report to me today."

I smile as a walk out of her room. Maybe with the extra money, I can get a couple maandazis.


"Chitundu, Bishara!" I hear my mom call. "Come and say hi to your grandmother!"

"Coming!" Bishara and I reply in unison.

I get downstairs before Bishara. My 79 year old grandmother is there, leaning on her two canes. She seems so frail, what with her wrinkles, and her shaking hands. Her knuckles are white with the strain of staying upright. I say hi, then try again louder so that she can hear me. "Hi Grandmother."

"Oh hello, Chitundu, my how you've grown!" her hand reaches out and pats my head, which is really my arm. She doesn't have the best sight in the whole world.

When Bishara comes down, she has a bandaid on her jaw. "Got a cut." she explains to Mom. "Hi Gran."

"Ah Bishara, how nice to see you!"

"Mom, why don't I get you a nice cup of tea, and you can sit and chat with Chitundu and Bishara." my mother says as she walks to the kitchen.

"That sounds very nice, thank you."

I walk across the room to pull up a chair beside our love-seat. All of a sudden, I hear an, "Oh my!" and see my grandmother on the ground, unconscious. I gasp. "Mom!!" I yell.

"Yes? Wha-" she stops short, just staring.

This is not good. The closest hospital is 20 kilometres away, and the doctors are currently on strike!

Wow. I haven't updated in such a long time! I'm so sorry, school is crazy busy! Thanks for sticking with it.

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