"You could put it that way." I said. 

"And how do you put it?" He asked. 

"As the truth." I said. 

"Guys, enough." Matt Donovan said. "Are we gunna play or what?" 

We all got into our positions and the game started. 

The other team was kicking off. Tyler had the ball. I ran up and got it off him. I dribbled the ball than passed it over to Stefan. 

"Stefan, I'm open!" I heard Matt yell. Stefan passed Matt the ball and he was running with it. 

"Marni, run up!" Jeremy yelled. I ran up the field near the goals. Matt passed the ball back to Jeremy and he booted it up to Stefan. I stuck my hand up in the air. Stefan caught my eye and nodded. He flogged it up to me and I jumped up, doing a bicycle kick and scoring. I used the air to jump higher than usual so I could put my hands on the ground and flip back on to my feet. 

My teamed cheered and started clapping. 

Jeremy came up and patted me on the back. 

"Where the hell did you learn to do that?" he asked in disbelief.  

"I picked up a few tricks here and there." I said. 

"Who did you learn from?" he asked. 

"My older brother Damon." I said casually. I was speaking the truth. Damon had taught me how to play soccer in 1864, and I copied the moves of the big players when they were on TV. And I perfected them. 

The game went on for the rest of lunch and we won 9-0. 

Jeremy caught up with me after the game. 

"That was pretty brave how you completely shut down Tyler Lockwood." he said. "Not a lot of girls would do that."

"I was just telling the truth." I said. 

"Were you telling the truth when you said you'd rather be with me than Tyler?" he asked, looking down. 

"Yes, I was." I said truthfully. 

"Cool." He said. 

We walked in silence for a while. 

"Hey Marni." He said. "I was just wondering if you'd like to hang out with me at the Grill after school." 

"I'd love to." I said. 

"Great." He said. "Look, I gotta go. I'll see you at 4?" 

"Yeah, definitely." I said watching him walk away. 

Some random chick that looked like she was in grade 7 that had way to much make-up on walked up to me. 

"Look, you'd better stay away from Jeremy or things are about to get ugly okay?" she said in a jealous voice. 

"Hunny, judging by how much make up you've got on, I'd say things are already ugly." I said. People were crowding around us now. A few of them laughed. The girl looked humiliated. 

"And you can't tell me what to do, so go grab your pacifier and have a nap." I said, insulting her about how young she looked. This caused even more laughs. 

"You think you're so cool because you're the new girl, but trust me, I'm going to make your life a living hell." she said. 

"Whatcha gunna do? Throw a teddy bear at me?" I said laughing. 

The girl looked like she was going to strike me. I hoped she would. Because if she did, she would get her ass kicked. 

Before things could get too heated, Stefan appeared and stood between us. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa calm down guys." he said. 

"Oh, I'm calm alright, but the little girl looks like she's going to throw a tantrum." I said. 

"Marni." Stefan warned. 

"You better stay away from Jeremy." The girl said, going to walk away. 

"How's about no?" I said. 

"The next time I see you-"she started. 

"No, next time I see you." I interrupted. 

She flicked her ratty blonde hair and walked away.  

The crowd parted and went their own way. 

Stefan grabbed me by the arm and walked the opposite way. 

"Marni, what are you thinking? You can't just go starting fights and expect not to get in trouble." he said. 

"Hey, I didn't start it, she did. And I know you thought the insults were funny." I said. 

"Look, just don't go starting stuff. Come tell me about it and I'll deal with it." He said. 

"You just want to do the fighting yourself." I said. "Jokes, you're the calm person who prefers to talk things out rationally. God, you're no fun."

"Violence doesn't solve anything," he said.

"Yes it does," I said. "It solves everything."

He laughed and shook his head.

We walked for a little bit. 

"So what's this whole thing with Jeremy?" he asked 

"That chick over heard me and Jeremy making plans to go to the Grill this afternoon." I explained. "And then she came up and went off at me." 

"So how do you feel about Jeremy?" he asked. 

"He's cool, I like him." I said. 

"Yeah, but do you really like him?" he asked. 

"No, maybe, I don't know!" I said. 

He laughed. 

"What about you? Do you really like Elena?" I asked. 

"A little, I mean it's hard not to, with her looking like Katherine and all." He said. 

"So that's the only reason? Because she looks like Katherine?" I asked. 

"Well, no. She's sweet and kind and selfless and cares a lot about people." He said. 

"So you do really like her." I said. 

"Yeah, I guess I do." He said. 

I wonder if Jeremy felt the same way about me?

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