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lukehemmings: awe little man is getting so big already 😭❤️ 5sosies: precious you look so good for just giving birth 🥰 emileighrose: my girl and her boy ❤️5soslovies: ❤️❤️❤️❤️malikoa: so sweet 🥰Hemmingsfans: what a cute momma 😍ashtonirwin: mini...

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lukehemmings: awe little man is getting so big already 😭❤️
5sosies: precious you look so good for just giving birth 🥰
emileighrose: my girl and her boy ❤️
5soslovies: ❤️❤️❤️❤️
malikoa: so sweet 🥰
Hemmingsfans: what a cute momma 😍
ashtonirwin: mini cal so precious 🥰
Hemmofambam: definition of cute ❤️
michaelclifford: cutest human ever 😍
chandlerthinggs: so cute 😍
crystalleigh: can auntie crystal come visit and get some snuggles from you all
chandlerhemmings: @lukehemmings he is it's crazy ❤️ @emileighrose we miss our Em ❤️ @malikoa we're waiting for our dinner aunt Mali 😝 @ashtonirwin he is the definition of perfect ❤️ @michaelclifford he sure is 🥰 @crystalleigh of course we're kinda going a bit stir crazy here alone and always up for auntie crystal love 🥰

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