Chapter 7

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before I knew it Chan was right in front of me, shaking Jisung. "you, should, have, told, me" Chan continued to shake him as Jisung looked sick, I place my hand on Chan's arm and he looked at me 

"can you stop shaking my boyfriend?" I asked him trying to sound innocent. he stopped shaking before turning to me and placing his hands on my shoulders "how far have you guys gone?" he asked and I gave him a confused look 

"what do you mean?" I asked "what's the most you guys have done?" 

"Hyung, you're scarring her." Jisung shouted from behind him "we've kissed...?" I said in a questioning attitude not really sure if that's what he meant, but he looked satisfied and backed away.

"so how did  you guys meet?" Hyunjin asked from behind me "he text the wrong number" I said with  laugh and everyone joined in "yup that sounds like Jisung" Hyunjin laughed out.

we stood and started talking before I slowly put my weight on Jisung considering I'm not completely healed. "hey are you okay?" Woojin asked me noticing that I was leaning on Jisung

"yeah I just got out of the hospital today, so I'm still kind of weak" I explained "then how about we all go sit on the couch" he said pointing to the couch in the corner in the room and everyone agreed and we made our way to the couch.

Jisung hand his arm out that I could use when it came to me walking and sitting down.

"why were you in the hospital Noona?" Jeongin ask and I smiled at him "well, long story short, the store I work at got robbed when I was on duty"  I explain and Felix look at me with wide eyes "you got shot?" he asked and I nodded 

"and Jisung almost got shot to cause he arrived right after I got shot" I said looking at Jisung at my side. "yeah but then Y/n being the smart human she is thought up a plan and she risked her life to press the red button under the counter that would call the cops. and then warned the guy just as he aim the gun at me and he rushed out the door just when the police pulled up"

he said obviously proud of his girlfriend.

everyone praised my bravery as I blushed after repeating thank you after thank you. 

the rest of the day and into some of the night we just sat around talking about anything that would come to mind. everyone talked, no one was left out.

I could easily say that I really needed all these laughs and friendly people near me, that's something I never had growing up but I'm glad I found people I know I can trust.

I looked at the clock that read 8:39 pm and looked at Jisung "well I gotta get going, mind giving me a ride?" I asked and Jisung nodded

"where are you going Y/n?" Seungmin asked "got the night shift" I explained we said our good byes and left.

Jisung was nice enough to take me to work since there wasn't a bus stop within walking distance of an injured human at JYP.

on the ride to work me and Jisung talked, he cracked jokes and he made sure that I was not going over work myself.

when the car came to a stop Jisung got out and hurried to my side of the car to help me out of the car. then he helped me into the store before he waved goodbye.

I started restocking some of the shelves. I bent over and grabbed a box quickly and carried it around and restocked some shelves. my legs began to shake as I picked up another box for different shelves.

there was one of my co workers on duty to help me around and stuff but I haven't said a word to him, his name is Max.

I had a heavy box in one arm and a can of soup in the other on my tip toes trying to put it on the very top shelve, I new I was reaching my limit when it came to standing and doing stuff, but I just had to do my job, I needed the money after all

just then my legs gave out and I began to fall, I hit my head really hard on the tile floor, I dragged myself to a sitting position against a wall.

I was just going to sit there for a moment and then get back up and continue work till Jisung comes to get me. that's another thing, Jisung wants to pick me up and drop me off on the days he's not busy to make sure I'm okay, but I didn't mind cause then I'd get to see him more.

and his cute chubby cheeks. 

then the thought came to mind that I haven't told Jisung just how much I'm going through, he's my boyfriend now after all, he deserves to know.. right?

maybe one day I'll have the guts to tell him how shattered my past is and how many sleepless nights it took me to get even this far.

and there will most likely be even more sleepless nights till I finish college and find a real job, beside all the ones I already have.

I babysit and pet sit on days off, and I work night shifts, and after my morning classes I work day shifts at a café. I usually only have up to 3 classes a day sometimes less and I sleep during those classes but I study during my breaks at work.

gotta pay for college some how, Right?

that and my bills, will I ever me free?

just then I decided that was enough thinking for right now and I should probably get back to work, so I stood up and grabbed the box I had before heading back to the front counter to take my break.

You Messed Up Big Time // Stray Kids Jisung X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now