Chapter 6

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I wake up to the warm feeling of someone's hand in mine. as soon as my eyes adjust to the light I look over to the person beside me. my eyes were met with the body of a sleeping Jisung.

I place my other hand over his cheek, I rub my thumb over it as I choose to realize how fast my heart was beating, caused by a Jisung sleeping right in front of me.

I smile at the thought of him and soon I finally realize. he's the one I love, he makes my heart go crazy and my cheeks flush when I don't realize it. he stole my heart, and for some reason I'm not mad. I wouldn't have it any other way.

I got pulled out of my thoughts as Jisung started to wake up, I move my hand back to my side and stare at him as he slowly wakes up, and might I just say, Jisung waking up is the cutest thing in this entire world.

 but of course I wouldn't tell him that.

once he's finally fully awake he looks over to me and realizes I'm awake, I smile at him before he speaks "how are you feeling?" he asked "well good morning to you too, I'm fine" I said. he laughed at my comment before he smiled brightly 

"that's good"

I couldn't help it, his smile was contagious, so I smiled as well. "man you have the worst luck, that man just happened to rob the store on your shift" he said sitting back in his chair and I nodded.

"but I don't have the worst luck" I said and he raise an eyebrow "oh really? prove it." he said and I smirked "I met an angel" I exclaimed and he looked a bit sad. but my smirk didn't leave my lips.

"oh? who are they?" he asked and I could see the pain in his eyes "his name is Han Jisung, and he's sitting right in front of me" I said my smirk turning into a smile. I saw the pain in his eyes leave, soon it turned to happiness. 

"where was this comment whenever you picked on me?" he asked 

"I have no idea what you're talking about" I said folding my arms over my chest like a child. "yeah you do, you pick on me all the time" he said and I turned to him and looked him in the eye

"man you're so dumb" I said acting like it doesn't faze me that I just insulted him "see, you're doing it again" he pointing at me looking triumphant.

"the only reason I tease you is because I love you" I blurted out. I soon covered my mouth "shoot." I whispered under my hand and now Jisung's the one smirking

"oh really? then will you be my girlfriend?" he asked and I looked at him with wide eyes "did you just?" 

"yep I sure did. so what do you say?" he asked and I thought for a second, well to be honest I didn't think at all I just said "yeah of course" then he started smiling and got up from his chair and gave me a peck on the lips before the doctor came in

"well everything looks good, and if it continues this way, you'll be discharged by tomorrow" the doctor said and I smile "that's amazing, tomorrow the whole group has a day off, I want you to meet them as my girlfriend" Jisung said facing me and a smile appeared on my lips as I nodded and thanked the doctor as he left to go see other patients 

I turned to Jisung who was sitting down once again "so tell me about your friends" I said wanting to prepare myself for their personality's 

"well, there's Woojin, he's the oldest, he's strict but also affectionate" he said and for the next hour he couldn't stop telling me about how talented and amazing his bandmates are. then he pulled out his phone and played a song that they just released, I think he called it '19' but its amazing, I loved it

"I wrote it" he exclaimed and I couldn't believe he was that talented "its truly beautiful." I told him and he smiled but we were to busy in our conversation and before we knew it a new song came on

it was also so beautiful and I could tell it was 100% Jisung's voice. I stopped our conversation before I asked him "what's this song?" 

"it's called 'I see' its a song I wrote and sang about a year ago" he explained and I nodded "you never told me you were this talented." I exclaimed and he smiled shyly while scratching the back of his head.

then he showed me their street versions of some of their song and I laughed so hard it hurt. they are amazing.

I continue to let him rant about his members considering he looks so cute doing so and I get to prepare myself for how his members might act.


I woke up and started packing up the things Jisung brought me from my apartment. speaking of Jisung he was playing 3racha songs as he helped me pack up, but I didn't mind cause they are amazing songs that really speak to you.

I signed the discharge papers and we were on our way, Jisung insisted that he would take me home. when I got there we put my stuff in my apartment and we heading back out to meet his members

we walked into a building labeled 'JYP' and went to the 4th floor and walked up to a room labeled 'Stray Kids' I took a deep breathe before we walked in.

I scan the room. the one I recognize as Jeongin was being attacked by Seungmin and Hyunjin. Chan was listening to everything while he sat in a corner and made sure no one got hurt while talking to the elder Woojin.

Changbin was in a different end of the room talking to the other Aussie Felix. Lee Know was the first to approach us "hello, I'm Lee Know" he reached his hand out for me to shake and I took it shaking his hand before everyone noticed someone was here.

they all turned towards me as I finished shaking Lee Knows hand. "hello I'm Y/n" I say waving a bit at all of them "guys, she's my girlfriend"

"GIRLFRIEND!!!!!!" Chan shouted and I laughed  

You Messed Up Big Time // Stray Kids Jisung X Reader {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now