Chapter 8

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~1 months later~

I just got off my night shift and I have 30 minutes till my next class so I decided I'll go home and grab something out of my fridge.

my apartment is only a 5 minute walk from work, so I decided to walk, I could use the exercise. once I get home I walk to the fridge and looked at the food for a few minutes trying to find the urge to eat something.

but in the end I decided I didn't need breakfast, so I started gathering my thing for class and heading out grabbing the bus and heading to class.

I walked into class and took a seat in the back, pulling out my text books I need for the class and waited for the professor to arrive.

~after class~

I gathered up my things and headed out, today I only have one class.

just then I got a call, I looked at the caller ID "Squirrel"

I answer putting the phone up to my ear, I heard a few sniffles and weak far away cry's "what's the matter Jisung?" I asked through the phone stopping in my tracks.

"Y/n we won our first award, and Jisung cant stop crying" it was Hyunjin. I start walking again letting out the breathe I didn't know I was holding.

I hail a cab as I speak into the phone "can you put me on speaker??" I asked and heard him hum before the crying got a bit louder

"Jisungie congratulations on your first award, same to the rest of you." I heard a few more cry's on the other end before I smiled and continued "you all are amazing and I'm sure there will be more awards in the future, so Jisung, don't cry or be surprised, cause you all deserved this award, you all have worked so hard" I said as I get into a cab and tell the driver to go to the award show in town

"hey Hyunjin, can you meet me at the back stage entrance and let me in? I'll be there in 10" I asked still un able to stop myself from smiling. "yeah sure" he said "okay see ya then" I said before hanging up.

about 10 minute later I arrived, I paid the driver and got out of the car.

I walked to the back stage entrance "sorry miss but I cant let you back here without a pass" the security guard said. "she's with me" Hyunjin said from behind the security guard.

the security guard move out of my way and let me through as me and Hyunjin walked to their room. I looked in his eyes and they were red, like he shed a few tears but not to many.

once we get to the room Hyunjin opened the door for me and I walked in. at this point in time I'm glad I don't have a shift at the café for another hour and a half.

I jog up to Jisung and engulf him in a tight hug as he wrapped his arms around me, I sat there with him for a few minute before he broke the hug by pulling away with a few sniffles and wipe away the few tears that still stand.

"thanks Y/n, but I'm fine now" he said with a smile as I place my hand on his cheek and stroke it with my thumb. "you sure?" I asked as he brought his hand up to mine and place him hand on top of mine then leaned into my hand. he nodded as we continued to stare into each others eyes.

"get a room!" Seungmin yelled from the other side of the room cause everyone to giggle. I pulled up my wrist in front of my face to look at my watch. when I put it down I saw Jisung's eyes widen a bit.

"what I asked?" then I looked at my arm incase I had something on it.

Jisung sat up on the couch we were on. he grabbed my wrist and brought it up feeling it. "you're like skin and bones" Jisung said and that caught the attention of Chan who was walking past. he looked at my arm then my face, then to any piece of skin that was revealed.

which wasn't much considering no one knows my actual body type, I always where pants and shirts that are way to big for me.

"Y/n, how much have you eaten today?" Chan asked me crouching down in front of the couch in between me and Jisung as he stared into my eyes "umm..." I couldn't bring myself to lie to them and I didn't want to tell them 

I took a deep breath "I haven't eaten anything" Jisung put my arm down and Chan just looked at me with pity in his eyes. 

"how about yesterday?" Jisung asked "I had n apple" I said and Jisung sighed "don't you eat during your shift?" Chan asked

"which one?" I asked then I face palmed realizing they only know about the one. "you have more then one?" he asked and I nodded "how many?"

"I work at the convenience store at night, then I go to college and sleep through class. then I have a day shift at a café, and on days off I babysit and pet sit" I said realizing I work to much.

"Y/n that's to many shifts!!" Jisung exclaimed as the rest of the boys including Chan left the room to give us some space.

"why do you work so much?" he asked eyes watering close to tears once again. "you don't want to know" I said looking down but then Jisung grabbed both my hand in his and looking right at me

"of course I want to know Y/n, you're my girlfriend, your burdens are also my burdens" he said causing me to look up at him, now I'm the one close to tears.

I sigh before looking into his eyes trying my hardest not to cry. 

"I have to pay for college then I have the debt my parents left behind when they died" 

You Messed Up Big Time // Stray Kids Jisung X Reader {Completed}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя