Theodore, Benji and Coralei all walk over to Will and Harlow, all wearing their bathing suits!

Theodore, Benji and Coralei all walk over to Will and Harlow, all wearing their bathing suits!

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*Benji, Coralei, Theodore and Harlow's bathing suits*

"HIIIIIIIII!" Theodore yells as he waves at the camera and vlogs himself.

"Hi, camera!" Coralei says as she happily waves at the camera.

"Hi!" Benji says with a big cheeky smile.

"Can I have the camera back, Teddy?" Will asks Theodore.

"Uh huh, Daddy!" Theodore says, handing the vlogging camera back to Will. 

"Thank you, Teddy! Hey, are you guys ready to go swimming in our brand new pool?" Will asks Benji, Coralei and Theodore.

"Yes!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore say in unison.

"I'm so excited! I really love swimming! It is so much fun!" Benji says with a big grin.

"Me too! Me too!" Coralei says as she dances around and smiles.

"Teddy, do you like to go swimming too?" Will asks Theodore as he vlogs him.

"Uh huh! I wike swimming!" Theodore says happily to Will.

"Is the pool ready for us to swim, Daddy?" Coralei asks Will.

"Almost! Papi is just checking the pool out! He is making sure the water is good and that the pool is clean for all of us!" Will explains to Coralei, Benji and Theodore.

"Yay!" Benji, Coralei and Theodore say in unison.

"Where is Dobby, Daddy?" Benji asks Will, wondering where Dobby is.

"Dobby is outside with Papi! He is laying in the sun!" Will says to Benji.

"Can Dobby swim with us?" Coralei asks Will.

"Maybe! But I don't know if Dobby likes to swim, Coralei." Will says to Coralei.

Will gets off of the couch and vlogs two pool floaties that are sitting on the floor.

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