"Are you gonna punch me like you did the other one?" The same person yelled at me. I ignored them all and walked passed them. Jonathan and I then made it inside and then Lisa, my Dad and Jonathan came in.

"Sorry about that." I apologized to them.

"It's alright, Justin." Lisa smiled at me. We then went up to the host.

"I believe that my mother and step father are already at our table." I told the host.

"What name is it under, sir?" He asked me. I looked at my Dad and he answered for me. I don't know if it's Timberlake or Harless.

"Harless." Dad told him.

"Yes, they're already here." The host nodded. "Now will you please follow me?" We all followed behind him. "Sir, may I ask you a question?" He asked me.

"Yes." I nodded.

"Are you Justin Timberlake?" He smiled.

I laughed and nodded. "I sure am." I smiled.

"It's great to me you, Mr Timberlake!" He smiled.

"You too." I nodded. We then reached our table and the host left. We all greeted each other and hugged. I then sat down next to Paul and on the other side of me is Jonathan. Across from me sat my Dad, Lisa and Stephen and my Mom sat next to Paul.

"How was the paparazzi?" Mom asked me.

"They weren't as bad as they usually are." I answered.

"You kept your cool, right?" I sighed and nodded.

"Of course mom. I had Jonathan with me." I said.

"Just checking." She looked down at the menu in her hands and I looked down at mine. A silence began as all the adults looked at their menus.

"Justin?" A voice asked me. I looked away from menu and looked at my younger brother.

"Yeah?" I smiled.

"Where's Brit?" My smile faded away and everyone at our table stared at us.

"Jona-" My Dad began to say, but I interrupted him.

"It's fine." I nodded at him and then looked back at Jonathan. "Britney and I aren't boyfriend and girlfriend anymore." I told him.

"Why?" He frowned.

"She broke my heart." I sighed.

"Did you cry?" He asked me. 

"Yeah. A lot." I nodded.

"She's a mean person." He said.

"She sure is." I nodded.

"Excuse me?" Someone behind me said. I looked behind me and saw a young girl, probably fourteen or fifteen.

"Hi. What can I do for you?" I smiled at her.

"May I please get a picture with you?" She smiled.

"Of course." I nodded and stood up from my seat. A woman walked up to us, I'm pretty sure it's her mom. "What's your name?" I asked the young girl.

"Haley." She smiled.

I then held out my hand for her to shake. "Well Haley I'm Justin." I smiled. We shook hands and I laughed. "I'm pretty sure you want a hug too, right?" She laughed and nodded. We then hugged.

"Hi, I'm her Mom, Sara." Her Mom introduced herself.

"Hi, I'm Justin." I smiled. We then shook hands.  "So how old are you Haley?" I asked my fan.

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