Chapter Eight

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*Justin's POV*

"I'll be back later." I called as I walked to the front door of my house.

"Where are you going?" Mom walked into the room.

"I forgot my suit jacket at the Mayor's house. Plus Janice wants to play some basketball." I pointed to the basketball in my arm.

"Be back by six for dinner." She told me.

"What are we having?" I asked her.

"I don't know yet." She shrugged. "Have fun." She then walked away and I walked outside to my car.

I drove to the mayor's mansion and knocked on the front door. Janice opened the door with my suit jacket in hand.

"You ready to lose?" She asked me.

"I think you should be asking yourself that question." I smirked at her. She walked outside and shut the door behind her.

"If you win you get the jacket back, but if I win I get to keep it." She suggested to me.

"That jacket cost a lot of money." I laughed.

"Are you afraid to lose?" She held onto my jacket.

"Uh no." I said.

"Then there shouldn't be problem." She smiled at me. I chuckled and followed her to the basketball hoop. "Where should I put this expensive suit jacket?" She asked me.

"Just put it on my car." I nodded towards my SUV. She walked over to it and set it on the hood.

"Let's do this." She smiled at me.

I ended up beating her. We played to forty. I beat her 40 to 35.

"You've got a future in basketball." I told her.

"Thanks." She smiled at me. She then walked over to my car and got my suit jacket and handed it to me. "You won, fair and square." I took it and smiled.

"You're good competition." I told her.

"So are you. There's nobody really to play with around here so I play by myself." She said.

"Well I have a feeling that I'm going to be in Memphis for awhile, so I'll play with you." I informed her.

"Why are you staying here for awhile?" She asked me.

"I guess I just need to figure my stuff out." I shrugged.

"What kind of stuff?" She frowned.

"Well aren't you nosy." I laughed.

"Sorry." She apologized.

"It's okay." I nodded. "Some stuff happened to me recently." I told her. She just nodded her head. "Now it's my turn. Why do you seem so... angry at your parents?" Too personal? Hopefully not.

"Who's nosy now?" We both laughed. "Something happened a couple years ago. That's why my brother doesn't talk." She shrugged and looked at the ground.

"How about when we both feel comfortable with each other and can trust one another, we'll tell each other what happened to us?" I suggested.

"Deal." She nodded and we shook hands.

"You know Janice, I think we'll be good friends." I smiled at her.

"So do I, Justin." She smiled back at me. "You wanna go get something to drink?" She asked me.

"Sure." I smiled and nodded. We walked inside the house and to the kitchen.

Losing My Way (A Justin Timberlake Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now