Chapter Twelve

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*Justin's POV*

When I got home from the park with Janice, all four of my parents lectured me hard.

"What if someone would've taken pictures of you? What if they would have taken the pictures to a magazine?" My Dad asked me.

"What if you would have drove yourself home? You could've killed someone if you did! You could've killed yourself!" My Mom exclaimed. 

"But it didn't happen, now did it? Everything is fine." I stood up from the couch, but Paul shoved me back down on it.

"Everything isn't fine." Paul glared at me. "You're starting up your old ways again." He stepped back.

"One time. That's it! I messed up one time. It's not going to happen again."I sighed.

"And now you're paying for it." Dad Said.

"You will not leave this house for two weeks." Mom told me. Is she serious?

"I'm twenty one, you can't do that." I laughed at their stupidity.

"Oh but I can. I can cut you off, Justin." Mom smiled at me. I immediately stopped laughing. Shit, I forgot about that. "That's what I thought." She smirked at me.

"Go to your room." Dad ordered me. I silently looked at them. "Did you not hear me?" Dad asked me.

"Oh I heard you," I stood up, "Loud and clear Dad. Loud and clear." I walked out of the living room.

"Watch the attitude! Act like you're twenty one, not sixteen." He called after me. I quickly walked back into the living room.

"Then treat me like I'm twenty one! Don't send me up to my room or tell me I can't leave the house for two weeks! I'm fucking twenty one, I can do what I want." I Shouted at them.

"Watch your language." Dad glared at me.

"Oh for the love of God shut up! Nobody wants you here! I sure as hell don't!" I yelled at him.

"I'm trying to help you, Justin!" He yelled back at me.

"You're only here because you want to make sure I keep my shit together and get back into the business. You're just here because if I stop making music, there's no more money." I glared at him.

"That's not true." He shook his head.

"Yes it is! You've only came around for my money." I scoffed at me.

"I'm here because I'm trying to make sure you become a good man!" He screamed at me. "You will not go down the same path like I did." He yelled.

"I'm not you, Dad! I will never ever be you! I don't want to ever be you!" I yelled at him.

"Both of you stop!" Mom yelled louder than us.

"I'm done." I shook my head and walked out of the room.

"Justin where are you going?" Mom asked me.

"I don't fucking know." I grabbed my car keys.

"Justin Randall Timberlake." Mom gasped. Shit, I did not just cuss at my Mom. Shit shit shit! I slowly turned around and saw how pissed she looked.

"Mom, I'm-" I began.

"Don't you dare say another word." She interrupted me. "I don't know who you are becoming, but I don't like it at all. You better take another look in the mirror because you are becoming something else entirely. Someone I don't want as my son." She then walked away. I stood still, now knowing what to do. I can't believe I cussed at my Mom.

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