Chapter 1.

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The rain flew down in grace from the grey yet clear sky. I set by my slightly opened window reading a novel while the cool breath of the night caressed my hair.

I closed my book and I took in the view I had in sight.

There is something magical and beautiful about the rain. It like it was made from life itself.

I loved having those moments of serenity. They brought joy and contentment inside of me instead of every day drama.

Well maybe that was a little bit of a lie, I don't have much going on in my everyday life and being a nerd in a notorious university wasn't helping my social life either.

I had always a feeling that although I was doing everything right I was going to the wrong place.

Well they say that you can't know where you are heading until you know where you have been and since I was adopted at a young age I didn't recall anything about my past or my family.

All they have told me is that I have lost my memory.

After letting out a breath I wasn't aware I was holding, I closed the window and went to bed. Tomorrow was a whole new day but I was sure it wasn't going to bring anything new.

If only I knew better.

Today was a Sunday but I woke up before sunrise, it was a habit of mine to wake up early while it still dark. I also didn't need much sleep. I felt energetic all the time.

I stood at the doorstep enjoying the cold morning wind playing with my long dark hair. I was living in a small village where many people left for the weekend since you practically had nothing to do a part from enjoying nature. And that worked perfectly fine with me. As I said before I'm not really what you can consider a social person.

I decided then to go for a run in the village's forest that leaded to a mountain covered by snow.

I have never felt more alive than when I'm running. Taking in the fresh air while enjoying the melody of the silence mixed with the fallen brunches being crushed underneath my feet.

I kept making my way through the tall trees that kept the sunlight from reaching me. I enjoyed the forest very much but it was all a Deja-vu since I used it for running practically every morning.

But something wasn't alright today. I stopped running and looked up to the trees. Wasn't it weird that since I was here I haven't heard a single bird tweet or watched a single animal move?

This place was usually full of life. But not today. Today It lifelessness left a spooky silence.

I threw a rock toward the brunches but there was no movement.

Suddenly a male voice woke me up from my intrigued thoughts.

"Salve, vestra celsitudo"

I knew enough Latin to understand what he meant. Why on earth would he refer to me as "your highness"?

I gathered what was left of my courage and I turned only to be welcomed by the strangest looking and most handsome person I have ever seen. He smiled at me, showing a perfect set of white teeth but I felt a really dark Aura surrounding him.

And then a sudden voice inside me said "Danger".

I turned around and I started running as fast as I could from him.

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