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"Grandma, would you please tell me the story again?"

"Only if you promise to go to sleep right after"

"I do Grandma!"

"Very well then, there had been a time when pure evil ruled the world. And all creatures were at war against one another.

A time where the water was black, the sky was clouded and death was everywhere.

In fact, there were four creatures in the world.

The witches and wizards who held great power of manipulating the four elements in nature and putting dark spells to control minds.

The vampires, known as the creatures of the night, were smart and elegant above all others.

And of course, the werewolves who despite the fact that they weren't as gifted as other creatures still held lot of strength and wisdom..."

"But grandma, you know I already know about those species but you always refuse to tell me about the forth type of creatures"

"Patience, my little Ella. When you are old enough, I shall reveal more secrets to you but for now it's bed time my princess"

"Goodnight then Grandma, I love you!"

And just like that, Ella closed her eyes and went into a deep sleep.

It's funny when I look at her right now, so carefree, so innocent with her long dark hair and her baby fair skin.

I gave her one last kiss.

By the new dawn of tomorrow, she is meant to die.

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