Chapter One

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It was a warm, breezy day in Zora Domain. The sky was cloudless and shone a brilliant blue, letting bright rays of sunlight spill out onto the glowing blue structure.

In the town square of the Domain, a large crowd of Zoras, Gorons, Gerudo, and Hylians alike, stood silently, crowding around me.

I stood in front of the huge group of people, not a worry in my mind. To my side stood Kapson, a Zora priest, and in front of me stood Link, the love of my life.

It had been 2 months since I had given him the Zora armor, and he had accepted it. He now stood, looking into my eyes, and smiling. I smiled back, my heart skipping a beat.

I wore a white veil around my head, which was adorned with flowers that Sidon had found growing just outside the Domain. They were called the Silent Princess, and were the most beautiful flowers I had ever seen. Behind me stood my bridesmaid, Urbosa.

Link wore the Zora armor and Zora greaves. We had agreed that he shouldn't wear the Zora helm, though, for he wasn't completely Zora. He wanted to show that he was a Hylian, too. Daruk stood as his best man behind him.

The shock of the whole situation settled in me. There had been a time when I truly believed that a Zora and a Hylian could never be married. And worse, that Link didn't love me. But, here we were. It was a dream come true.

"Mipha," Kapson read from a book in his hand. "Do you take Link to be your lawfully wedded husband, through happiness and through sadness, through prosperity and through poverty, through health and through sickness?"

"I do," I answered, certainty in my voice.

"And Link," Kapson turned to Link. "Do you take Mipha to be your lawfully wedded wife, through happiness and through sadness, through prosperity and through poverty, through health and through sickness?"

Link nodded in reply. Joy filled my heart. This is actually happening!

"Then," Kapson closed is book. "In the name of Goddess Hylia, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride!"

I collapsed into Link's arms and kissed him as the crowd cheered. Tears of pure joy flooded my eyes, and, as I pulled away from the kiss, I looked at Link.

"I love you," I laughed.

He hugged me and said quietly, "I love you too."

Night fell upon Zora Domain. I stood in my father's Throne Room, Link's hand in mine. We were surrounded by a sea of guests, and person after person came up to us to congratulate us. A Rito band played music in the background.

"Mipha, Mipha," Sidon rushed up to me, tugging at my hand. "Come dance!"

"Not now, Sidon," I told my little brother. I had no intention of dancing. I would only make a fool of myself.

Sidon looked disappointed, but he ran back off into the crowd.

I sighed, leaning into Link. The whole wedding had been a tremendous success. Both Link and I were beaming with happiness and love, and everyone at the afterparty seemed to be enjoying themselves.

That is, until a moment later.

"Princess Mipha!" I turned around to see who was calling me, and King Rhoam stood there, Princess Zelda at his side.

"Congratulations!" The King exclaimed, shaking Link's and my hands.

"Thank you," I smiled, then looked over at Zelda. She looked directly at me, glaring with some mixture of hatred and jealousy. I quickly looked away.

"You two will be a wonderful couple, I just know it!" King Rhoam exclaimed. This comment only made Zelda look angrier. "The wedding was wonderful."

"Thank you both for coming," I thanked the King, and watched as he turned, disappearing into the sea of people. Zelda shot me a menacing glare, then followed her father.

Link took my hand. "Don't worry about her." He said quietly to me.

"I won't." I nodded.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, and spun around to see who it was. Urbosa stood there, holding something behind her back.

"It's time to throw the bouquet," She smiled, handing me a beautiful arrangement of Silent Princesses tied with a golden ribbon. Then, she turned to the crowd and cupped her hands around her mouth. "Everyone, listen up!" The room quieted. "Princess Mipha is going to throw the bouquet!"

Squeals of excitement came from the crowd as all the girls and women shuffled into a group in front of me. I turned around, and waited for the sounds to stop.

"Okay, ready," Urbosa said. "Three... Two... One... Go!"

I tossed the bouquet behind me, hearing the steps of people reaching to grab it from the air. Then, I heard everyone gasp.

I spun around, searching the crowd for whoever had caught the bouquet. I gasped.

In front of me stood Princess Zelda, smirking coolly at me and clutching the bouquet in her hands.

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