Chapter 29: Surprise!

Start from the beginning

"Hannah, I'm —"

"Stop saying you're sorry!" I screamed like a nut-case. I was going insane. The word 'sorry' was begging to drive me mad. "You're not sorry! You're an idiot if you think that I will forgive you easily and even if you didn't, you're an idiot anyway! I hate you. I. Hate. You" I poked my hand on her chest and I didn't realize I was crying till I had to wipe my eyes. "I don't even have what to say to you. You know what? I don't give a damn anymore. Shey you're happy? All of you will just be pushing somebody's buttons and you won't care how the person feels or reacts. If I'm dead, my blood will be on your head and your demon sisters from your witches coven"

When I said that, I didn't wait for her reply. I just stomped off. I was already late for my class but I went there anyway. The day had just barely begun and I had already been crying. I was a wimp.

When I entered the class, the teacher didn't let me go so easily. Just as I suspected, Amebo teachers everywhere. Maybe I should have just skipped this class.

"You're late." The teacher stated

"I know" I replied

Say you're sorry!

I kept shut and stared at the teacher, silently daring him to stress me. I would Just faint in his hands. I smirked inwardly at the thought.

He groaned, " don't let it happen again"

I gave him a tight lipped smile, not promising anything before I took a seat up front... Which I detested.

Honestly, I was surprised he didn't give me a headache because I was sure that the teacher wouldn't like my reaction.

               The bell rung and with that I dashed out of the class. The hall way filled up with people and noisy chatter. I was feeling suffocated, compressed, tight. I needed some air.

I made my way towards the rest room and barged in. I stepped in front of the rest room mirror, who I saw was a different person. Her hair was all over the place, so full and unruly. Her eyes deep and sunken, lips dry and chapped. Once upon a time her skin was a dark brown and glowing, now it seemed dead and dry.

It couldn't have been me.

Come to think of it, when was the last time I looked in the mirror?

The door opened and I was face to face with the head of The Demon Sisters. I couldn't possibly loath her more but I did. I despised her long, silky-looking brown hair. I hated how her skin seemed to glow in a nice tan while mine was a dull brown. She wore long leggings with a crop top. Her shape was magnificent. With semi fat-legs and little thighs, her body killed the outfit.

    My legs were average, almost skinny in fact.

We stood in silence. Neither of us spoke, but I looked at her straight in the eyes. A hideous smirk was plastered on her face. Why couldn't she smile like a normal human being?

Pin drop silence. That was what we were in, so I moved my legs to walk past her but she took that as her queue to speak. Halting me at my steps as I reached for the door.

"How are you doing?" Said Rachel.

Was that a joke or what? I would never admit it out loud but that question shook me to the core. Seeping a little fear in my mind. Why did she care?

I intended to ignore her but her mouth still kept moving. "You know we aren't done with you right?"

I bounced on my feet, and checked the time. Trying to show her that I didn't care what she had to say. But, like always she just couldn't take the hint.

"What?" Her boots clicked as she made her way towards me. "Cat got your tongue?"

She moved until she was right in front of my face. I was a pretty tall girl. Standing at 5'10,I was taller than her with maybe 3 to 4 inches. Her heels made her taller, so I wasn't towering over her. Oh, how I wish I could tower over her, then maybe I could intimidate her.

"What's the matter, Black? Are you scared? You should be though because I can ruin you with the snap of a finger"

      "Alright then. Do it. I have nothing more to loose" The boldness in my voice masked my exhaustion.

Her smirk still remained. I wish I could hose it off.

"Watch what you say to me because —"

"No, you watch what you say to me. I'm tired of you! Do your worst." I glared at her.

Even though the out come of what I said might be terrible, I still did not regret what I said. She should do her worst, I would take it and maybe someday I would have my revenge.

Please Vote, Comment and Follow me to get recent updates on when and when not I shall update.

And I apologize for the wait. Wattpad is to blame. Because its really discouraging when you write and it wipes. Over and Over again.

Maybe I would have done it sooner, but I can't say much. All I can say is that I had been Emotional and sick through out last week. And I'm just getting myself back. And as a reward for you all I will update again sooner than expected.

Thank you, and God bless.

Follow me on IG @iamnaomikerry



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