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He stood me up slowly and I leaned on him as we left the drinks he had ordered and made our way to the table where the rest of his friends sat. They all had their eyes on us as we neared.

"Everyone meet, Anna,"


I woke up with a raging fucking headache. It felt like someone had just punched me in the eye. The sunlight that streamed into the room made my head hurt more. Looking around I quickly realized I wasn't in my room. I almost screamed. I was tangled tightly in the sheets and scrambled to get out of them. While I was kicking them off my legs to see if I was still dressed, the door opened. With wide eyes, my head snapped to the door to see who had opened it. I felt like a deer in headlights. It was John who was standing in the doorway.

He started walking towards the bed I was in. While he was walking towards me his soft eyes never left my wide ones. I quickly made the connection that this was his bed and I was in his house.

"What happened last night?" I whispered to John still scared.

As he stood near the end of the bed, he calmly answered my question, "Nothing happened, I swear. You were drunk off your ass and I was trying to get you home, but, you passed out drunk so you couldn't tell me you lived. To make sure you didn't die, I let you crash here."

I slowly nodded while the memories before I blacked out lazily streamed back into my mind. "Did you sleep here too?" I ask him lowly still slightly shaken up that I woke up in a foreign place.

He shook his head no, "I slept on the couch,"

I nodded but my mind told me not to trust a word he said. Oddly enough, my gut trusted him. I'm not sure why but I had an inclination to believe him and the words that came out of his mouth. I had no real other option so I trusted him.

Slowly, I began to piece together the puzzle of what happened last night. I resumed pulling the covers off of my body and put my bare feet on the cold hardwood. Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that he watched me the whole way. I quickly did a once-over of my body and let out a soft sigh once I saw that I was still in my clothes from last night. With my head spinning, I stood up slowly. John must've seen me wince so he offered me an Advil. Looking at him I nodded vigorously. He left the room to get the pills so with him out the room I examined the room I was in, closely. I didn't touch anything nor did I open any drawers. I didn't want to invade his privacy too much.

To be completely honest, I wanted to see something that confirmed what that girl said about John being a Youtuber. I hear footsteps nearing so I scramble back to the bad to sit on the edge of it and look like I was in immense pain.

"Here," John says as I look up at him. He hands me a pill bottle and a glass of water.

"Thanks," I mutter to John. I quickly open the bottle and swallow the pills in the hopes that it would work fast. I stand up to look at John and ask, "Do you know where my purse is? I have to text Joy. She's probably wondering where I am,"

He nods and begins to speak. It was most likely about how I got separated from both my purse and my shoes, but, for some reason, I couldn't focus on what he was saying. All I could focus on was how disheveled he looked and how much I liked it. Internally, I groaned. What the fuck am I saying? I mean, all he was wearing a pair of grey plaid pajama pants and a black t-shirt. He wasn't dressed up in any way, but, I really liked it. I was internally swooning and I hated it but I couldn't help it. The thing I liked the most was his bed head. I mean, it was always messy in some fashion, but, somehow his bed head was much better. Suddenly I noticed he was waving his hand in my face, "Hello? Are you even listening?"

Fuck. He noticed me staring. I felt my face get red while I nodded.

He had a small crooked smile on his face and continued talking with me listening to him this time.

"So yeah, suddenly you started crying and then like a minute later you were asleep. We were in the uber when I think you had a nightmare and started crying again but you never woke up. When we got back, I put your purse and heels by the door because I had to carry you upstairs since you were knocked out cold."

Hearing what my drunk self made me wince. All I did was cry, how annoying am I? I mean, look on the bright side at least I didn't say anything crazy.

"Where's the bathroom?" I ask John. He points me towards an open door across the hall. I walk into the bathroom, turn on the light and close the door behind me. Leaning on the door, I sighed deeply. I was overwhelmed and close to crying again but John didn't need to see that. He's seen enough of that to last a lifetime. No need to add more.

I stood upright once more and looked at myself in the mirror. Oh my fucking god. How did John look at me for that long and not throw up? My hair was messy and frizzy. My eyeliner and lipstick were smudged really bad. Jesus Christ. I took my long hair out the ponytail it was in for so long and attempted to comb it through with my fingers. After a minute, I realized that it wasn't working too well so I threw my hair back into the ponytail and started trying to take my eyeliner and lipstick off. Luckily my eyeliner isn't waterproof so I took some toilet paper, wet it and started wiping my eyelids profusely. Satisfied that I got the bulk of it off so that it wasn't noticeable anymore, I started doing the same with my lipstick. My lipstick was substantially easier to take off due to the fact that most of it had already worn off.

Throwing out the toilet paper, I took one last look at my face. I looked so much better. I took a deep breath and put a straight face making sure that my facade that cracked last night was in working condition once again. I opened the door to see John leaning on the door frame of his room waiting for me. I gave him a small smile.

"What time is it?" I ask John.

"Uh, it's 11:26,"

I nod before speaking, "I should probably go home now. Thanks a lot for letting me crash here,"

He stands from his leaning position and smiles, "No problem,"

"No, it's not, I feel really bad for you having to deal with drunk me,"

"It's alright really. Let me walk you down,"

He turned to walk towards the stairs with me in tow. We walked down the hall in complete silence. Walking down the long hallway, I saw some other doors but they were all closed. I'm not usually this nosy but John was a complete mystery to me even though I had already slept in his bed. Now that I think about it, neither of us has really talked about our lives.

We had just started walking down the stairs when I began hearing voices coming from downstairs. I began to feel my anxiety rising. I really don't want to meet new people right now especially when I'm hungover and still look like I climbed out of a dumpster. As we stepped onto the second to last stair, I saw who the voices were attached to. There were two people who were sitting comfortably on the couch and they both had their eyes on us, especially me. One of them looked vaguely familiar but I couldn't quite place where I had seen him.

One was wrapped in a blanket and surrounded by what seemed like used tissues and the other was sitting far away from him on the other side of the couch. John simply walked past them without acknowledging them and I trailed behind him keeping my head down, trying desperately to mind my own business and not start up a conversation.

We eventually get to the foyer where I see my heels and purse placed haphazardly on the floor. I rush over and pick my purse up first to see if my phone was still alive. It wasn't but I had hope. I groaned. Why now? I just need to call an uber so I can get out of here. John asks me what wrong and I explain my predicament.

"If you want, I can drive you home,"


thx so much for 1.5k reads. plz keep reading it's literally the only reason i keep writing. so uh finals are the end of next month so wish me luck. i want to write more so I want to try and update weekly or bi-weekly idk yet so don't get angry if i don't. until next time. love u.

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