Chapter 20: Return of the Augury

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"It's a letter from father, I knew he'd respond but I didn't think I'd be this quickly" he absentmindedly says to Albus. "Oh no, what if he's going to not like it. Oh Merlin I'm so scared to read it"

"Scorp, I'm sure it's going to be fine" Albus tries to comfort his boyfriend by grabbing his hand. Scorpius then goes to unroll it and read what his father has said.

Dear Scorpius,
First of all I'm glad you're doing well and so is Albus, he gave us quite a scare coming to St Mungo's a couple weeks ago. I hope you are studying well for your OWLs, good luck with them. Well no more stalling I guess, I'm glad to hear that you felt comfortable enough to tell me about you and Albus. I'm very proud of you son, I'm glad you're both happy. I know your mother would be equally as proud. I'm sorry to hear about you both being outed when you weren't ready for it and I'm glad Minnie took care of it quickly. Anyway thank you for telling me son and I look forward to seeing both of you once the year is over. Remember study hard, do well, and have fun. I love you son.
Love, dad.

Scorpius had to read it a couple times for it to sink in. He was quite surprised at his father's handling of what he told him. Scorpius knew his father was a good person and stopped believing those ludicrous pure blood traditions, but he wasn't sure if he could handle it being Scorpius so that's what the boy feared.

Once it sank in he was so excited and showed it to Albus and the other boy read it. He was so happy for Scorpius. Now they can be happy anywhere, no more hiding and sneaking off somewhere. They're free to be themselves. So with the good news Scorpius spontaneously kissed Albus in front of everyone at breakfast. It's something they're still getting used to it but it didn't bother Albus anymore.

It was a Sunday so the boys leisurely took a walk around the grounds of the castle, they walked to the edge of the black lake, and sat under a tree together. Scorpius had some school books with him to study. It was normal for the blond boy to always have a book or two with him at all times. It's one of the little things Albus fell for. That nerdy side that he thinks is adorable.

The boys were laying there all day under that tree it's something they did often for years. Only now it's more special. It's private and hidden behind bushes. Albus looks out to the lake and that's when he sees something odd. It's a large black bird, like the one from his dreams. He looks around to see if he's actually dreaming for actually seeing this. But with the setting sun and Scorpius still reading his book he knows he hasn't fallen asleep so this is real.

"Hey Scorp look there" Albus says. Pointing out to the lake.

"Huh?" Scorpius says looking up from his book.

"Is that, the augury bird from the dreams?" Albus says.

"Bloody hell Al, I think you're right" Scorpius says.

"I'll go up to the school and get headmistress" Albus says.

"Good idea, I'll stay here and watch where it goes" Scorpius says. So Albus goes off to up to the castle to find McGonagall.

Scorpius on the other hand stays where he was watching the bird it's circling and he hears it making noise. The bird lands on a branch above Scorpius' head and he looks at it then the bird takes off towards the forest and Scorpius goes to follow it. Almost as if he were in a trace. So without thinking twice about it he enters the forest and goes deeper and deeper into the thick trees. He's still following at least he hopes he is it's dark now and hard to see where he's going. Then the lights go out on Scorpius.

Meanwhile back at the castle Albus is running frantically up stairs when he see the bird now in the castle he goes to detour and follow it. So he turns around and goes down into the dungeons. He's trying to keep up he can't see it anymore then he bumps into someone. Looking up from the floor which be fell. It was Slughorn.

"Thank Merlin, uh professor there seems to be a strange thing going on and if you know where headmistress is I'd appreciate the information it's important" Albus says.

"I'm sorry my dear boy I don't know where the headmistress is at this hour" he says.

"If you should see her please inform her that there was a large augury bird that I've been following and I thinks it's going to threaten the school" Albus says. Then running off to follow the direction he saw the bird go, leaving the potions master there confused.

He follows the bird out of the castle and he's running around the grounds and towards the forest. The follows going deeper and deeper, into the thick trees where it's nearly impossible to see anything. He hears whispers and slows down his pace, so he doesn't trip on tree roots. Soon he's lead to a clearing of trees and there are the cloaked figures with the silver masks.

The bird stops in the middle of the clearing and when Albus goes closer to grab it the bird changes. It changes into a person. But not just any person it was Delphi. She was an animagus and that bird the boys dreamt of was her animal form. So it was her Albus saw leave Azkaban all those months ago. And every dream they had was real.

"How nice to see you again Albus Potter" she says to him condescendingly.

"How'd you escape Azkaban!" Albus says drawing his wand.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you Albus" she says ignoring the boys question.

"And give one good reason I shouldn't kill you right now!" The young Slytherin boy shouts at her.

"Sure I'll give you one, if you as so much move I'll kill him" she says pointing to her right side, where there lays an unconscious Scorpius being suspended by a couple of the cloaked people.

"Scorpius!" Albus shouts but it's no use. "How did he get here?!"

"Oh Al, still the hot head you always were I see, you see he like you're self was lead here only we needed a reason for you not to do anything rash. So if we threatened his life we, well I, knew you wouldn't do anything. I knew Scorpius would still be you're weakness, so here we are" Delphini says.

"Let him go!" Albus pleas.

"Don't you see we're all here to finish what we started, the people you see before you are the followers of my father, the ones that are left anyway; they wanted revenge on your bloody father, and what better way to do that than his son" she goes on.

"They're Death Eaters?!" Albus was shocked to know there was still ones alive.

"Very good, we let Harry Potter on a with fake incidents to distract him while our plans starts to develop and unfold" Delphini sneers at the boy.

Albus watches Scorpius' form suspended behind the augury. Delphi binds Albus so the boy can move and takes his wand. Wishing that his father was here and that they were back at the castle. All there is to do now is wait for something to happen.

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