I groaned as I turned off my alarm. I did not want to go to school but I know unless I was in a full body cast, mom wouldn’t let me stay home. Even then she probably wouldn’t I could be dead and she’d drag my ass to school.I got up slowly, rubbing my eyes and  hopped out my bed. I opened my closet and after some careful thinking, I picked out my favorite blue striped polo shirt.


I sighed and picked up my book bag that was in front of my door. “COMING!”

I ran downstairs to find my mom and Mr. Heere cooking together and Jeremy on his switch again.

“Finally.” He said with a sigh when he saw me. “Christine and I have to do a project and we have to leave now.”

“Your hair's a mess Jerebear. You should fix it” Jeremy's dad smiled and Jeremy ran his hands through his semi curly hair. His hair was constantly a mess but he pulled it off well.

“Let's go Heere.” I said, swinging my book bag over my shoulder. Jeremy nodded his head and followed me. We stepped outside and I used my hand to cover my eyes from the sun. The humidity in the air was beyond the point of unbearable. We got into the car and I immediately turned on the AC.

“It's out as hell today.” I said while turning up the car.

“Really? I didn't notice.” Jeremy rolled his eyes and continued to play on his switch.

“Be careful Jere. I'm not forced to drive you to school.”

“ Don't act like you won't. We both know you have a soft spot for me.”

I sighed and back out of the driveway, not responding. I knew he was right but I wasn't going to admit that.

Jeremy laughed and smiled. “I love being right.”

“Shut up.”

Time skip brought to you by the fact in 2019 you can't say shit without offending somebody

I parked my car and got out, the sun's heat greeting me once more.

Jeremy ran out of the car right away and I sighed loudly. He didn't even say thank you.

I walked into school and looked at the floor, hoping I would make eye contact with anybody.

I saw Jeremy talking to Christine and Jared out of the corner of my eye but I didn't want to approach them. I heard Jared laugh loudly and my hands started sweating. I never really told anybody but I liked Jared for a while now. I liked Zoe more but there was a soft spot for Jared. It really didn't make any sense to be honest. He was rude to me and he has told me he only talks to me so his parents can pay for his car insurance. I walked into class and plopped down on my seat. The teacher started calling attendence and I played with my hands. I kept saying here in my head so I was sure I didn't say it weird.


“Here.” I said not looking up from my lap. She continued to call out names and I sighed in relief. After a couple minutes, she out her clipboard down and smiled at us.

“Welcome to your senior year.”

Time skip brought to you by the fact that all I ever do is read fanfiction

It was the end of class and I walked up to Mrs. MacNamara. She smiled and pointed to my cast.

“What happened?”

“ I feel out of a tree.”

I heard somebody snort behind me and looked to see Jared. I quickly looked away and mumbled 'my name's Evan’ and shuffled away.

As I was walking I felt somebody touch my shoulder and turned around to see Jared beat red. He was trying to say something but couldn't because he was laughing too hard.

“Shut up Jared.” I said quietly.

His face got serious. “ Square up you fucking acorn” with that he started laughing harder and my eyes went wide. “ You better tell your mom I was nice to you.” He snorted.

“It's really not that funny.”

“I just imagine you in slow motion busting your ass and it's beautiful.”

“Jared. Are you…” I took a deep breath. “Free this week?”

“I don't know.” He said shoving his hands in his pockets.

“I was wondering if you like to go on a-”



“If this is an attempt to get back at me, it sucks.”

I showed him my arm and smiled softly. “It's not.”

His eyes widened and I laughed a little.

“So, what do you say?”

He looked away and cleared his throat. “Whatever. Let's try it out.”

I smiled and nodded my head.

“Calm down Hansen, we're not getting married.”

“Well, technically-”

“Shut up Evan.”

“Sorry Jared.”

“You say sorry too much. It's really fucking annoying.”

“ Sorry.”

He glared at me and I looked away.

“You're lucky your cute acorn.”

“ You think I'm cute.”

“Shut up. I'll pick you up at 7 on Friday.” He ruffled my hair and walked away.

“Later acorn!”

I smiled and walked to my next class. This day wasn't so bad after all.

Sorry this kinda sucks but should I do a part two about their date? Also, this is the same world in which Jeremy got his tattoo so if you ship Boyf Riends I recommend checking it out. #selfpromo

Kleinsen One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora