Chapter 3- Bruised knuckles

Start from the beginning

Daniels friends had now stepped in and Will stepped in too, defending me.

Jack pushed past Quinn and Josh once again, but this time I got in front of him.
I placed my hand on his chest, "Hey look at me Jack. You need to relax."
He still wasn't looking at me, he was shooting daggers at Daniel with his eyes.

"Jack!" I yelled this time and he looked down at me. His facial expression turned soft as he looked at me and he relaxed a little bit.

Will then came over to us, "Jack take her home, I'm gonna handle this."
Jack still looked super pissed, but he just took his hand in mine and walked me to my cars.

"Give me your keys." He said quietly.
I shook my head, "Let me drive, I'm fine Jack."
I could tell he wasn't in the mood for arguing, so he just got into the passengers seat.
As soon as I turned the car on, he grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. I smiled and kept driving, trying not to show the happiness radiating off of me after everything that just happened.

Once we got home, everyone was already in bed, so I took Jack immediately downstairs and brought a first aid kit and a bunch of ice with me to the bathroom.

I sat on the counter and looked at his reddened and slightly bloody cheek.
"I'm gonna put this disinfectant spray on, and it might sting a little bit, okay?" I asked carefully, showing him the spray.

He just nodded, allowing me to spray it, only wincing slightly. I then wrapped some ice in a towel and placed it on his cheek.

Jack decided to break the silence, "Are you sure you're alright Ava?" He asked gently, placing his thumb and pointer finger on my cheek and making me look him in the eyes.

I nodded, "I'm fine. The only thing that's bothering my is my knuckles from punching that asshat." I said with a slight chuckle.

"That's my girl. I didn't know you could throw a punch like that." He said making my heart flutter to the max. His girl.

This caused Jack to let out a small laugh and I was happy again. His laugh was so adorable I couldn't even handle it.
Before I knew it, Jack looked at my lips, and then my eyes, and then back at my lips again.
Oh. My. God. No way this was happening.

He slowly started to lean in and so did I -
"Ava, Jack? Are you down here?" The cock blocker himself said.

I groaned in frustration and hopped of the counter and into the couch area leaving Jack laughing.
"Yes we're down here!" I said aggravated and put some ice on my knuckles.

"Okay good. Jack you might as well just stay down here and one of us can take you back in the morning if you want?" Will said and Jack just nodded.
Will smiled and said, "Do you want any clothes?"
Jack nodded and Will went back upstairs.

Jack came closer to me and smirked, "Where were we?" He asked seductively and started leaning in. That was until he noticed the huge bruise on my wrist.

"Holy shit Ava! Does that hurt?" He asked, pointing to the bruise that I hadn't seen yet on my wrist.

I sighed, "Now hat I think about it, kind of..." I said trailing off.
"I'm gonna kill that fucker, I swear- " Jack said getting pissed off again, but I stopped him.
"Hey, relax. It's just a bruise. It'll heal I promise. Don't worry." I said calming him down again.

He took a couple breaths and then nodded and Will dropped off his clothes.

I went into the bathroom and changed into a pair of sweatpants that I always kept down here, and just kept my shirt on since it was comfortable.

I walked back out and Jack was laying omg he couch in a T-shirt and sweats looking really hot.
He had a movie on and once he realized I was done he patted the seat next to him.

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