Chapter 37 -Three a.m. Calls

Start from the beginning

The call ended and then he read that there were about nine missed calls from Jason. Before he could even call him back, his phone began to ring again.

“Just to let you know that it’s past three in the morning here. This better be important, Jay.” He said in a stern voice with his eyes closed.

“Good morning, man!” Jason greeted way too cheerful than he usually was during phone calls.

“What’s good at three a.m.? I barely had enough sleep for the past few days. I had a long meeting at the parliament since two days ago. Today was the only time that I thought I’d get a long and straight sleep. You just ruined it by calling me a three in the morning.” Stephen ranted at his best friend with his eyes still open. “In case you have forgotten, there’s the so-called time difference, Jay.”

“I’m not going to say sorry to wake you up at this time of the day.” Jason answered. Stephen could imagine him grinning from ear o ear. He then heard her sister’s laughter at the other end of the line. “You would actually thank me, brother.”

“By hearing my sister’s laugh and you calling me brother, I’m not sure if I really should. She is my sister, man. My. Sister.” The prince said emphasizing the last two words. “I don’t care whether you are my best friend, but if you would do something unacceptable to her, I swear to God you wish you never liked her.”

“Jesus! Stephen, please. You’re not supposed to threaten me about your sister in his call. You’re supposed to praise me and tell me how grateful you are for having me as your best friend.”

“I really want to go back to sleep now, Jason. It’s either you tell me now or I’ll hang up.”

“Trust me you will definitely regret if you won’t be hearing this news sooner.” Jason smirked which made Stephen groan in irritation.

“Just tell me you, cocky arse.”

“Language, Prince Stephen. Language.” Jason chuckled trying to piss off his best friend first.

“Just tell him straight and see if he could still go back to sleep.” Stephen heard Catherine on the other side. She chuckled and could imagine both Jason and Catherine having a huge grin on their faces.

“Seriously, Jay, tell me now or I’ll seriously hang up.”

“No , you won’t because I just found Priscilla.” Jason announced making Stephen’s eyes to shoot open. “Are you up now?”

“I will kill you if this is just a fucking joke. Tell me this is not a joke.” He demanded as he sat straight up. He ran a hand across his blonde hair and waited for his friend’s reply. “Tell me.”

“This is not a joke, man.” Jason confirmed.

“Where is she?!” Stephen demanded as he placed his left hand on his mouth. God, he missed her so much.

“She was with Silena earlier.”

“Wait, what?”

“You heard me right. We actually have to thank Silena because if not for her meeting here in New York we wouldn’t find Priscilla. It seems like they had lunch together and a meeting after wards. Yes, the two of them had.”

“Shit. I just hope Silena never said anything about us dating ‘cause that is not fucking true. God, please don’t let Priscilla think of that.” He cursed under his breath. “How did you find out?”

“It was on the news. There were paparazzi shot of Silena with Priscilla. Priscilla’s name wasn’t broadcasted. She was covering her face in most of the photos but luckily, there’s one which showed her face completely.” Jason informed.

“Book me a flight as early as possible. Let’s keep it a secret and I’ll be packing right now.”

“Dude, the last time you asked me that you had amnesia.”

“You’ll pick me up and I’ll be asking for my parents’ help in keeping this a secret. I don’t want Priscilla to find out and ran away from me again.” He told him as he got out of his bed. “Send the itinerary to my email.”

“See you in a few hours, then?”Jason asked.

“Yes, pick me up and don’t announce it to the public.”

“What? My best friend is coming to New York? I won’t.”

“Good. May I talk to my sister though?” Stephen asked and he heard that there were some rustling in the background.

“Hi! So, are you excited?” Catherine greeted her brother cheerfully.

“I would be lying if I’d tell you I’m not. How’s everything?” Stephen asked as he walked his way towards the light switch in his room.

“Good. I’m getting excited for you and nervous for the upcoming fashion show.” Catherine replied. Stephen could imagine how her facial expression changed from ecstatic to her usual worried face.

“You’ll do good, Cath. I’m sure of it. Now, how are you and Jason?” Stephen asked as he flicker the lights in his room.

“We…a…we…” Catherine stuttered not knowing how to answer the question. She hasn’t told her brother about him and Jason yet. “We’re good. Everything’s going well here in New York.”

“By the sound of your voice, I’m assuming you have to tell me something.” Stephen said in a strict voice as he walked his way towards his walk-in closet. “I’ll be packing now and remember, you have to tell me everything. Entiendes?”

“S-si.” Catherine mumbled. Her voice was shaking a little. Oh, she was really nervous. How could she possibly tell her brother that she has a relationship with his best friend?

Stephen hanged up and began to pack his stuff. A smile crept on his face and realised how this day seemed to be very good to him. He wouldn’t be mad if his sister and his best friend would date he just want to scare his sister. He actually favoured it but the best new he received so far was the fact that he now knew where Priscilla is. At least, the location was already narrowed down to one place—New York.


Not much a a cliffhanger now? c:

Guys, BTW, since this story is close to the ending, it would mean a lot like really a lot if you would check out my other stories.

Anyway, please tell me your thoughts about this chapter. c:

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-Annie xx

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