Chapter 62

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Kiara's POV

Maddie kept laughing and I started laughing. I went to go get my charger from my room since my phone was dying. I walked in and ran into my bed.

"Ow!" I yelled. I don't remember my bed being there. I went to the plug and stubbed my toe on my desk.

"What the heck!" I screamed. I walked back out after getting my charger.

"What happened? " Cole asked.

"I ran into my bed and stubbed my toe on my desk." I said. Everyone was laughing.

"Its not funny" I said.

"Yeah it is" Maddie said back. "I rearranged your room so you would run into stuff" I looked at her dumbfounded.

"Whyyyyyy?" I whined.

"Maddie, did you prank us all?" Katie asked her. She shrugged. Katie slowly got up and went to her room.

"MADDIE WHY" she screamed. "Why are my posters on the ceiling? And I'm not sleeping on my desk" I started laughing at her.

"Its okay Katie" Gabe said hugging her.

Will's POV

I get to go home today. I woke up and Renee was still asleep beside me. I tried to sit up without waking her but it didn't work.

"Goodmorning" she said smiling at me, "ready to go home?" I nodded my head. She got up and walked out. I really like her. I can't believe camp is almost over too. She came back in with a nurse.

"Okay William, lets see if you can stand without feeling pain." I got up and nothing really hurt.

"Does it hurt?" The nurse said. I shook my head. "Good alright you're free to go. Take care!"

Me and Renee walked out. We went to her car and drove back to camp.

"Thank you for staying with me last night" I told her.

"Anything for you" she said then kissed my cheek. We decided to go eat before going to the cabin.

Gabe's POV

We were still laughing at all the pranks when David started talking.

"Guys, the welcome home party!" He said. I didn't know what he was talking about but I guess it was for Will. I helped them set up and everything and get some food.

"I hope he likes it" Katie said.

"I'm sure he will. I mean, look at all this food!" Dana said pointing to the food. We all started laughing. Suddenly, we heard a car door. Will and Renee walked in.

"Welcome Home Will!" We all screamed.

"Aw thanks guys" he said smiling. We sat around and ate some food. Renee got mad because she went to eat oreos and some had toothpaste in it and someone switched the nutella label. We all were having so much fun and then the news came on.

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