Chapter 40

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Maddie's POV

Gabe walked out and I was alone again. Cole walked into my room again.

"The doctor said that one person could stay with you tonight and that one person is me" I laughed and he sat down.

"I told mom and dad what happened. I told them not to rush back, that we'd be able to take care of you for a while."

"Thanks Cole, all of this means so much. I love you"

"I love you too. Now you need to get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow." We laughed.

"Can you sing for me?" I asked him.

Cole's POV

"What do you want me to sing?" I asked her.

"Can you sing With You again?" I laughed and started singing.

She fell asleep towards the end. I stopped singing and walked out of the room. I asked one of the nurses if they had another chair I could borrow. They gave me one and I made a makeshift bed. I layed down and fell asleep.

David's POV

We all left besides Cole. Cole was staying with Maddie for the night. We were all pretty bummed so I suggested that we do something fun.

"Let's go bowling!" I said. Everyone looked at me funny.

"Come on guys, it'll be fun!" They agreed and we went to the bowling alley. It was boys against girls. However had the highest score won. We played one game and when we added up the totals, the girls had more.

"Alright lets play again but this time, we raise the stakes." Will said.

"What do you suggest Behlendorf?" Renee said.

"You win, we serve you for a week. We win, you serve us for a week." I said.

The girls agreed and we started playing again. Once the game was over, we added the scores again.

"Guess you guys will be serving us" Judiann smirked. We all groaned and the girls laughed. We decided to go home.

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