Chapter 28

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Maddie's POV

We fell asleep while watching The Fault In Our Stars. I love that movie so much. When I woke up I decided to go for a morning jog. As I was jogging around the lake I saw the guys. What were they doing up this early? I ignored it and decided to keep jogging.

When I got tired, I stopped and ate at the food court. I went in and saw Asher.

"Hey Asher! Are we still hanging out later?" I said.

"Y-Yeah we are." he said. He looked nervous.

"Asher, are you okay?" I said.

"Yup I'm fine" he said and walked away.

I went, got some food and sat down. As I was eating, this guy kept glancing at me. I decided to ignore it but kept eating until he came up to me.

"Hey there gorgeous. You know, you're a nine, and I'm the one you need." He winked at me and I started laughing.

"I'm Devery." I didn't notice before but he had a french accent.

"I like your accent. I'm Maddie." he sat down with me and we talked for a while. I totally forgot about my date with Asher until I got a text.
A- You ready for our date? (:

"Oh crap. Devery, I'm sorry but I have to go." I said throwing my food away.

"It's cool. Maybe we can do it again sometime?" I nodded and we exchanged numbers. I ran to the girls cabin and got ready.

Asher's POV

It was time for my date with Maddie. I went and knocked on the door but Maddie didn't answer.

"Are you Asher?" the girl asked me.

"Yeah. Who are you?" I asked her. She was pretty, but Maddie's prettier.

"I'm Kiara. I'm dating Cole from IM5" she said. Cole. I can't believe he's dating her. She's way out of his league. Maddie came out the door just in time.

"Hey Maddie, lets go so we're not late" I said. She nodded and got into my car. We drove for a while.

"Hey, that was where the concert was!" Maddie whined.

"We're not going to the concert."

"Where are we going? I don't feel good." I stopped the car and looked at her. I got her some water and she drank it.

"Feel better now?" I said.

"No-ot rea-ally." She said right before she passed out. She wouldn't be waking up dor a while.

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