Chapter 44

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Gabriela's POV

I whispered in Dana's ear that we should go to our hideaway. He knew where it was so he agreed. We got in his car and left. When we got there, we went inside.

"This place is so big" I said walking in.

"Bigger than I remember" he said.

We found this place one day when we went for a walk. Neither of us told anyone about it and it became our secret place.

"So what shall we do first?" Dana asked me.

"Well first, I'm gonna kick your butt at COD." He laughed.

"We'll see about that" he said and we started playing. An hour later we stopped.

"I can't believe you beat me." He said and I laughed.

"I'm awesome, that's why" I said sitting on the counter across from him. "What do you wanna do now?" I asked him.

"Well lets eat, then I'll take you somewhere." He smirked and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Okay Vaughns, what are we eating?" I asked him. He chuckled and led me out the door to the car. When the car stopped we were parked at a restaurant. We walked in and went to the hostess.

"Do you have a reservation?" She asked us.

"Yes, its under Vaughns" Dana said.

"Hello Mr. Vaughns right this way." She said and led us to a table.

Dana's POV

"I can't believe you had this planned" Gabriela told me.

"Hey, its my week to serve you, my princess. I'm going to make the best of it." She blushed and our food arrived. We ate and after we went to the arcade that was in the restaurant.

"Let's play this!" Gabriela said pointing to a game called Dream Raiders.

"Okay, but I will beat you this time" she laughed again like earlier and we started playing. Once the game was over I looked at her.

"How do you keep beating me?!" I asked.

"I guess I have a talent" she smirked and I laughed.

"Come on" I said leading her out the door. We arrived at the beach shortly after we left. I wrote something in the sand.

"Hey look at the sand" I told Gabriela. She looked down. It was a heart and inside the heart said 'I love you my princess'.

"Awe Dana! I love you too" she kissed me and we walked some more on the beach. Once it started getting dark, we decided to go home.

"Hey guys" I said walking in the door.

"Where'd you guys go?" Maddie asked me. All I did was grin at her and she laughed.

"Okay then don't tell me. Come watch this movie with us" she said. I grabbed Gabriela's hand and we sat down to watch the movie.

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