Chapter 2

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Renee's POV

I got to the cabin and walked in. "Hey guys" I said.

"Hey! We brought food" Katie said.

"What kind of food?" Kiara asked.


"Yes!" Judiann yelled and started digging in. The rest of us started eating and decided to watch a movie. "Let's watch the Conjuring!" I suggested.

"Okay!" Judiann said. We put the movie in  and after a little bit, everyone fell asleep.

Kiara's POV

I woke up at around 1am. Everyone else was asleep so I decided to take a walk. When I was outside, I decided to sit on a bench by the lake. Someone sat down next to me but I didne bother to look at them.

"Hey," the voice next to me said.

"Hi" I replied.

"What are you doing out here at this time?"

"I should ask you the same." I looked over at the person. He had dark brown hair and was very built. "I'm Kiara."

"My name's David."

"So what are you doing out here?" I asked him.

"I had to get away from my friends for a little." he told me.

"Oh," I said, "my friends fell asleep."

We sat in silence for about 15 minutes.

"I'm gonna go, can we hang out again?" David said.

I laughed, "Sure." We exchanged numbers and I went to the cabin.

David's POV

She was pretty, but not my type I thought to myself as I walked back to our cabin. "I'm back" I said.

"Yo bro, where you been?" Dana asked.

"I went for a walk" I told them and went to my room. I layed on my bed and heard a knock. "Come in" I said.

"Are you okay?" Cole asked me as he walked in.

"Yeah, I just don't feel that well." I told him.

"Your throat again?"

I sighed, "yeah."

"Just rest it and you should be fine." he started walking out. "Cole?"


"I met a girl on my walk. I think you'd like her." I gave him her number and he left. I started to drift off to sleep.

Cole's POV

I wonder if I'll really like this girl. I walked out of David's room with a smile on my face. "What's that smile about Pendery?" Gabe asked me.

"It's nothing," I said and went into the kitchen.

"Come on Cole, tell us" Will said.

"I got a girls number from David" I said.

"Are you gonna text her?" Dana asked.

"Yeah I will." I went to my room and texted her.
C- Hey
K- Who is this?
C- A person (;
K- Can I meeeeet this person? xD
C- How about tomorrow night at 12? Down by the lake?
K- Okay see you then!

I ended up falling asleep after the conversation with Kiara, thinking about tomorrow night.

Kiara's POV

I guess I'm meeting that person tomorrow. I went into the living room. "Hey guys." I said. It looks like they just woke up. "Hey, where've you been?" Renee asked.

"I went for a walk guys, I left a note." I said.

"And what'd you do on this walk?" Katie asked. I hate when they interrogate me.

"I talked to a person?" I snapped back.

"What's this person's name?" Judiann asked.

"His name's David"

"Did you get his number?" Gabriela asked with a sly look on her face.

"As a matter of fact, I did." I replied. I walked into my room and fell asleep.

Katie's POV

I can't believe Kiara met a guy. I was supposed to meet a guy first. "I'm going to the arcade if anyone's wondering" I said and heard an okay as I walk out the door. When I got to the arcade I started playing PacMan. I love the classics. I ended up beating the high score and someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"I'm sorry, but I believe you just beat my high score." he said. He had curly hair and sunglasses on.

"You're inside, do you need sunglasses?" I asked.

"Yes, I do. I'm Dana by the way."


"So are you in a band?" he asked me.

"Yeah I am. Are you?"

"Yup" he said popping the p.

"Nice! I'd love to listen to you guys." I said.

"Come to our cabin sometime and you can hear us."

"I think I will." I said and he gave me his number. I walked home and told the girls we were going to Dana's cabin to hear them sing. They agreed and got ready.

Dana's POV

I went back to the cabin to tell the boys that we have company coming over. Just my luck, Gabe was already cleaning. I went to my room and put on my favorite snapback and took off my sunglasses. I went back out into the living room.

"Where's your sunglasses?" Cole asked.

"Do I really wear them that much?"

"Yes you do." Will answered for me.

Half an hour later, the cabin was spotless. There was a knock on the door. I went to open it and saw 5 girls standing there. "Hey Katie, who are your friends?" I asked.

"Hey Dana, and what about your friends?" she replied sassily. I let them in and we introduced ourselves. "I'm Dana, this is Cole, Will, Gabe and David."

"I'm Katie, that's Kiara, Renee, Gabriela and Judiann." Katie introduced them but one in particular caught my eye as soon as she walked in.

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