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It's interesting. Watching Richard Grayson the Bunny skillfully dodge a determined Jason Todd and Damian Wayne. Watching the two boys laugh and sabotage the other while this is going on was just as enjoyable. Since both dodged the attempts like they were nothing.

"Okay," Tony sighed. He couldn't stand by and watch any more. The human boys finally resorted to weapons, a gun(or two) for Jason and shuriken for Damian. "Dick. Jason. Damian," the boys freeze in place. "I know it's entertaining for you three, but seeing as I have prior knowledge of what being a bunny is like. It's not fun when your hurt in that form."

Dick squeaked and whistled in protest. Damian just looked at his hands in shock and disgusting. Jason? Jason just looked at his gun, the bunny, back to his gun, then the still silent Batman. Almost like he was debating if misbehaving was worth the cost of getting into trouble.

This is what Tim walked in on. A stand off between a Bunny and two of the bat-children. He shook his head and went to Batman. He found the man with an exasperated look on his face.

"Want me to take a look?" The most recent ex-Robin needed the distraction as much as Bruce Wayne needed time away from the equations on the screen.

   "Master Loki I must insist that you return Master Richard to his rightful form," Alfred sighed walking in. The old man hadn't even looked at the blue eyed, black bunny. "I know having him in that form is relaxing on the mind. Especially with Master Damian in the house, but I have nothing to feed him with since he mostly eats breakfast cereals."

   Now Loki, on a general rule of thumb, will not follow anyone's orders. It's one of the many topics of the fights between the trickster god and his sparky, hammer wielding, warrior, brother. But for Alfred Pennyworth. For this man he would do as ordered. And not even for the reason that the old man told him to. The old man knows exactly how to care for a human turned animal. But this was the man who was feeding him.

   "Fine," The god pouted as he flicked his index finger at the bunny. "It would have worn off in an hour."

   "Only because I stoped him from getting hurt," Tony piped up. 'The tense atmosphere between the oldest members of the house was worthy of popcorn. And I thought the fights between the two gods was satisfying.' Not that Tony was going to have popcorn. He did think about getting it though.

   "Dr.'s Stark and Banner," Batman called out. "If you are done playing I found the place where you dropped in from.

  "Is that what you were doing?" Dr. Banner asked curiously.

   "I could have told you that one," Tony said simultaneously. The unimpressed look he got had him seething in the inside. "I'm a genius okay. As if I don't have tracking devices in all of my equipment. I got curious the other day locked in the room you gave me. So I, and Jarvis, looked to see if we could find where we came in. And if I could get a reading of the left over energy. Sadly your red, and blue, super human, hero messed up whatever was left."

   Tony glared at the unflabbergasted man. "Dr. Banner," the Bat chose to ignore the festering anger growing within Anthony Stark. "Is," and Tony decided ignoring him would be better on his mind and heart.

"Master Anthony," Alfred held out a glass of water that hadn't been in his hands when he came down to the cave. Said man glared at the drink like it had personally offended him. "I will take away you're building rights," the old man had a glint if mischief twinkling in his eyes.

"Fine," Tony huffed. "I'll drink the poison. Jeez." The man grabbed a screwdriver as he walked down m to the vehicles. He was a level lower then the rest, when he wiped a tear from his eye. 'God this is going to be hard. At least I have JARVIS.' Brown eyes fix upon an older Batmobile model. It looked unloved and forgotten. 'Then again I did always give my babies the amount of freedom they need. He might like it here for all I know.'

"Mr. Stark," said A.I. spoke up in his ear. "Would you like me to scan the vehicle for schematics?"


- good grief thinking like Tony Stark is hard. I am in no way a genius. I have to ask Siri how to spell the simplest of words. The letter "A", as a word, sometimes doesn't exist. Like I know what I want. But how do you spell A? I'm really good at ranting...... I still feel stupid. I had to sit here for an hour trying to spell A.

Anyways. Thank you for reading.... if you have kept up with this. I do have a plan with this. My brain just died on me for a bit. So please be patient with me. Any spelling mistakes are me being dyslexic/it was easier to spell. So if you see one. Please be nice and if you see a comment already saying what you want to say about my grammar? What do I care. I need all the help I can get.

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