6: Goats, Fire, Ice?

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*the last one was re-uploaded because I realized that I had a chapter 4 up.... twice. And no one told me.

Grayson's POV

"So let me get this right," I rub my eyes like they hurt. "They fought against the Joker, Harley and Ivy. They brought them back and are stuck here because the rift closed. Correct?" A nod. "So tell me why I didn't even think of them as dangerous?"

"Alfred," was all I got.

"What Batsy here is trying to say," Stark chimes in. "Is that outside of my suit? I'm just a fleshy human who is a genius. Yeah sure I could probably outthink you, buuuut experience has proven other wise. In both Natasha, and who the hell could take her down smarts or not, and Clint."

Dr. Banner snickered. I look at him and he had a small smile on his face. "Those were good times. Watching you fail miserably. Attempt after attempt."

Stark was lounged across the love seat like he owned it as he glared at the other man, "Like you could do any better Burcie-bear." The flinch he got seemed to soothe Stark's hurt ego.

"Could she go against me," B asked generally, actually, and scarily, curious.

"It depends," Stark shrugged.


"Well if she is going to play with you," he held up a hand in a so-so fashion. "Now if she was trying to kill you... well there would be guns, spider bites, and a team of pissed of super spy's backing her, also my CEO." I saw Dr. Banner shudder in fear. She can't be that bad. Can she? "You have never been scared until you piss of a red head. Natasha is scary on principle, but rarely angers. Pepper? Pepper is the devil in Prada heels and will use said heels to stab you. Luckily she doesn't like the Knife heels." (They are real. They are scary. They also look painful.)

I shutter because I know exactly how that feels. Not the stabbing part by heels, though there have been close calls, but the anger part. Barbra and Kori'ander. Enough said.

(No POV)

Soon it became apparent that the two Bruces got along. Tony and Dick however made a silent pact of torturing the former, and current, Robins. Unknown to Richard Grayson, he was included. As they sat there talking, Alfred walked in with a scowl on his normally neutral facial expression.

"Dr. Stark and Dr. Banner," the old man wasn't happy about something. "Someone is here for you."

Tony, the ever present toddler/puppy, jumped up in excitement. Banner followed along as a keeper of said puppy. The two Bats followed along out of curiosity and need to know what is going on.

"Reindeer Games," Tony smile seemed a little stained to the three Batfamily members present "How did you get here?"

"Anthony," the dark haired man in green and horned headpiece smirked. "I know a lot of things. Walking into other timelines is not out of that realm. Now is it?"

"Does Thor know you are here Loki?" Banner sighed as he looked at the silent man-god? The ma-god smirked mischievously and shook his head yes. "Does he know you are here and not on Asgard?"

"No. Also I am here to take you,"


"What do you mean, "no." I came to save you," Loki hissed out.

"I am not going with you. I'm going to do it my way," Stark glared. "Also if I can get back before Richards can fix his mess; I get to punch him and rub his face in my accomplishments.

-end for now. Not my best chapter. The last one was better written and it was done early in the morning.

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