8: Timothy Grayson

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   Timothy (Tim) Grayson walked into the mansion in huff. He didn't want to be here but he needed info on the green giant and that man that stopped it. 'It's not like the giant didn't take out most of the League or anything,' the teen smiled softly at Alfred as the butler walked past.

   "Master Timothy," the British accent soothes the teen's rather frazzled nerves a little. "Master Bruce and Master Richard are with who you seek."

   "I swear it's like you have super powers," the teen walked to the one place he knew Bruce Wayne would be. After a time change, just because he felt like it, he found an unknown man laughing at Dick stuck in a trap. "What? Is going on?"

   "Ah!" The man childishly spun around. "The genius! Hello fellow child prodigy." The man ducked a knife that was aimed at Tim, but aimed just right to hit him in the head if he hadn't ducked. "Murder child that isn't nice."

   "Tony you know he isn't going stop," an other man spoke softly. "Now Damian what have we been working on?"

   "No killing my family," The child pouted , honest to god pouted. "But I aimed at Stark first."

   "And good aim to," said man smiled softly. "At least he is only stabby. Unlike Scarlet,"



   A grunt from the tied up Grayson, caught their attention. A male, at least Tim thinks they're male, with pink hair and glowing green hands had an actually happy Richard Grayson hanging farther up in the air.

   "I am going to kill you," the icy voice of this now clearly male person chilled Tim. Said male just turned and walked out. He did not want to mess with this. He did not want to mess with the bloodshed that was about to happen. He was going to go back to Star City and send someone else. Screw being the team leader. If this is what happens every time something new happens. He will pass it off to someone else.

  "Hello Replacement," a deep voice piped up from the doorway. "Do you know the man that took out that Hulk creature the other day? His tech looked, Hey?!"

   'Nope. Not today Satan,' the teen walked past. He did not get paid enough to mess with this.

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