♫︎ | 9 | ♫︎

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"You should eat more, you're getting thinner y/n-ah. " Yeonjun  complains to the girl who is eating silently.

Who only eats a single sandwich and a one small bottle of milk.

"Nah." y/n just simply shake her head side to side.

"Tell me what would you like to eat then I'll give you." Yeonjun being Yeonjun, a pretty caring guy.

"Not Need to." the girl chuckled, was amazed by her friend's action this time.

"Hey yeonjun and y/n-ah." A senior of them called out.

The cafeteria suddenly filled with whispers and chaos,

ause by the  seniors who called out for whom is one of the famous hearthrobs of their school.

The chaos and whispers became more thrill when they realized that an hearthrob and a famous top students we're talking with each other.

"Oh.. hello, s.coups senior."

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